Housing economics: understanding housing markets/ edited by Alex Marsh - New Delhi: SAGE Pub, 2011. - V.1, 332 p

VOLUME 1: UNDERSTANDING HOUSING MARKETS Discrete Choice Modeling Of Urban Housing Markets: A Critical Review and Application - Judith Yates and Daniel Mackay Surprise and Housing Tenure Decisions in Great Britain - John Ermisch and Pamela Di Salvo Housing Market Segmentation - Allen Goodman and Thomas Thibodeau Structural Change in a Local Urban Housing Market - Chris Jones, Chris Leishman and Craig Watkins Estimating Equilibrium Housing Demand for 'Stayers' - Allen Goodman Urban Housing Markets: Theory and Policy - Christine Whitehead Contracting With Costly Tenants - Franz Hubert The Relative Performance of Real Estate Marketing Platforms: MLS versus FSBOMadison.com - Igal Hendel, Aviv Nevo and Francois Ortalo-Magne Loss Aversion and Seller Behaviour: Evidence from the Housing Market - David Genesove and Christopher Mayer Mistake GBP37: The Effect of Previously Encountered Prices on Current Housing Demand - Uri Simonsohn and George Loewenstein Markets and the Structure of the Housebuilding Industry: An International Perspective - Michael Ball The Long-Run Price Elasticity of Supply of New Residential Construction in the United States and the United Kingdom - Stephen Malpezzi and Duncan Maclennan Urban Growth and Housing Supply - Edward Glaeser, Joesph Gyourko and Raven Saks


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