Carter, Harold

The study of urban geography/ Harold Carter - 4th.ed. - London: Arnold, 1995. - 420 p.

Introduction: the study of urban geography The process of urbanization Urban places - central, periodic and dispersed Hierarchies, spheres of influence and local and national systems Some problems associated with Central Place Theory and its development Urban functions and classification of towns Urban land-use: general problems Planning the city Transport in towns The urban location of economic activity: the central business district The urban location of economic activity: industry and office uses The residential area of the city The residential areas of the city: the housing market and institutional influences Some problems of the city: the inner city Some problems of the city: the urban periphery and suburbia Images of the city: living in the city and the use of city space The socialist city The city in the developing world Town plan and townscape Conclusion: urbanization and urban geography.


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