Harwood, T. Mark

Integrative assessment of adult Personality/ T. Mark Harwood, Larry E. Beutler, Gary Groth-Marnat - 3rd ed. - New York :: Guilford Press, c2011. - xx, 475 p. HB

1. Introduction to Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality
Larrv E. Bi-uti.er, Rita Rosner. Gary Grotii-Marnat. T. Mark Harv\o{)D.
AND Hl i-Qi Tc>n(;
What Are the Value and Nature of Psychological Assessment? 3
Systematic Treatment Selection: A Model of Functional Elements 6
Patient Predisposing Characteristics 8
Psychological Assessment and the Nature of Measurement 13
Selecting and Implementing the Assessment Tools 20
Summary 31
2. Approaching the Patient; Referral Contexts, Test Selection,
and Clinical Judgment
Gary Groth-Marnat. Larry E. Beitler. T. Mark Harwood. and LisaJosei'H
Contexts of Assessment 35
Test Selection 39
Selecting Instruments Based on Domains of Client Functioning 50
Maximizing Clinical Judgments 55
Summary 57
3. Identifying Treatment-Relevant Assessment:
Systematic Treatment Selection/InnerLife
T. Mark Harwood. Larry E. Bel ti.er. Gi.iver B. Wii.i.iams,
Systematic Treatment Selection/InnerLife 61
Matching Patient and Treatrnent Dimensions Cross-Theoretical Applications 68
Introduction to the Therapeutic Principles of Training m STS and InnerLife 71
An Internet-Distributed Application for implementing InnerLife 74
Case Example 75
Summary 77
4. The Integrative Clinical Interview
Pal'lo Machado, I.arryE. Bfl-||.i-k. T. Mark IIarwiiod, Dwid Moiir.
Overview of Interview Formats 80
Strengths of Interview Formats 83
The Integrated. Semistruciured Interview 87
Integrating Information from the Seimstructured Interview 112
Case Example 113
Summary 113
5. Integrating Intelligence and Personality
Eli/abf.thJ. Austin, CIrkuoryJ. Bovi.k. CIarv (Iroth-M.^rn.vi. C'.i rai.d
M.atthews, Donald H. Saki.ofskk. Vit;Ki L. Suhwkan, and Mosiif: Zfidnkr
Intelligence and Personality Basic Findings 120
Intelligence and Traits Related to Psychological Adiustment 122
Intelligence, Abnormal Personality, and Mental Health 126
Emotional Intelligence 135
Intelligence-Personality and Systematic Treatment Selection 141
Case Example 142
Summary 144
6. TheMMPI-2
James N. Butcher, Larry E. Beutlf:r. T. Mark Harwood, and K.vhiy Blal
Background 153
Administration and Scoring 164
Assessment of STS Dimensions of Personality and Behavior 166
Feedback Considerations 170
Case Example 171
Lrmitations of the MMPI-2 176
Introduction of the MMPI-2-RF 177
Summary 181
V. The Personality Assessment Inventory
Lesi.ie C. Morey. Sara E. Lowmaster, T. Mark Harwood, and Daniei. Praft
Background and Development of the PAI 190
Psychometric Properties 191
Treatment Process and Planning 195
Advantages and Limitations 198
Administration and Scoring 200
Description of PAI Scales 201
Feedback Considerations 204
Interpretation-Integration of Information 206
Case Example: Application to Patient-Treatment Matching 209
Summary 214
8. The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-Ill
Paul d. Retzlaff, Thom.as Dunn, and T. Mark Harwood
Development of the MCMIs 219
Description of the MCMMII Scales 221
Advantages and Limitations 222
Psychometric Properties 226
Administration and Scoring 233
Interpretation 234
Treatment Planning 242
Case Example 247
Summary 249
9. The NEO Inventories
Roburt R. McCrak, T. Mark Harwocid. and Sarah 1.. Kei.i.y
Background 252
Psychometric Properties 256
Strengths and Limitations 257
Administration. Scoring, Interpretation, and Feedback 259
Application to Patient-Treatment Matching 263
Case Example 267
A Five-Factor Theory Perspective 269
10. The Rorschach and Performance-Based Assessment
Overview of Performance-Based Assessment 276
Background and Development of the Rorschach 277
Psychometric Properties 279
Advantages and Limitations 286
Administration 290
Scoring and Description of Rorschach Variables 293
Interpretation-Integration of Information 302
An Alternative Organization for Interpretation; Use of the Systematic
Treatment Selection Model 310
Feedback Considerations 312
Applications to Patient-Treatment Matching 314
Alternative Instruments: Other Popular Performance-Based Measures 317
Case Example 318
Summary 324
11. Integrative Personality Assessment in Special Settings
Gary Groth-Marn.at, Ronald .A, Stoi.berc., Bri-c:k Bonoar, and Keith Burke
Working in Special Settings 329
Specific Test Differences 344
Case Example 347
Summary 348
12. Integrative Personality Assessment with Older Adults
and Ethnic Minorities
Martha R, Growther, Audrey L. Au.si in, FoRRE.sr Scogin, T. Mark Harwood,
and Sean Harrei.l
Key Concepts 354
General Issues in Assessment of Older Adults and Racial and Ethnic Minorities 356
Systematic Treatment Selection Dimensions Relevance to Older Adults and Racial
and Ethnic Minorities 358
Summary 367
13. Applying Assessment Information: Decision Making, Patient Feedback,
and Consultation
Richard W, Levak, R. Sean HruiAN. I.arry E, Bei ti.er, and Xi.voxia Song
Benefits of lnt.egrat.ive Assessment 376
How to Conduct a Feedback Session 386
Feedback and Therapeutic Strategies Using ifie STS Model 393
Working with the Referral Souree 401
Case Example 406
Summary 409
14. The Integrated Psychological Report
Stevf.n Kvaal, James Choca. Gary c;u(vni-MAKNAT. and Ari 1)a\ is
Research and Practical Considerations 413
Clarifying the Referral Question 414
Managing Differing Agendas. 415
The U.se of Computers 419
Components of the Psychological Report 421
Examples of Case Reports 432
Summary 444

9781609186500 (hardcover : alk. paper)

155.28 / HAR/I