Daniluk, Judith C.

Women's sexuality across the life span: challenging Myths, Creating Meanings/ Judith C. Daniluk - New York: The Guilford Press, 2003. - 416 p.

Part I: The Enigma of Women's Sexuality. Opening Pandora's Box. Part II: Childhood and Adolescence. Teaching the Children. Adolescence: Biological and Psychological Development. Menstruation: Initiation into Womanhood. "Bawdy" Image: From Subject to Object. Who Loves Ya, Babe?: Sexual Intimacies and Expression. Part III: Young Adulthood. Biological and Psychological Development. Creating a Life. In the Prime of Life: Living in Our Bodies. Fanning the Flames of Desire. Part IV: The Middle and Later Years. Biological and Psychological Development. When Being "Hot" Takes on New Meaning: Menopause. The Festival of Lipid Migration: Bodily Changes and Body Image. Intimate Connections: Sexual Expression and Relationships. Coming Full Circle. Appendices: The Sexual Development of Children and Adolescents; Body Image and Struggles with Weight; The Aftermath of Sexual Violence; Lesbian Identity and Sexual Orientation; Reproductive Health and Decision Making; Disability and Illness; Issues for Women in the Middle and Later Years.


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