
Think first: addressing aggressive behavior in sevcondary schools/ Jim Larson - New York: The Guilford press, 2005. - 208 p.

1. The Problem and Directions for Change
2. The Context of Aggressive Student Behavior: Creating Effective, Whole-School Environmental Strategies
3. Rationale and Best Practices for Anger and Aggression Management Skills Training
4. Screening, Identification, and Assessment for Anger and Aggression Management Training
5. Getting Started with Anger and Aggression Management Skills Training
6. Introduction to the Treatment Manual Module I
. Introduction, Choices, and Consequences Module
II. Hassle Log and Anger Reducers Module
III. Anger Triggers and Attribution Retraining Module
IV. Self-Instruction and Consequential Thinking Module
V. Social Problem-Solving Appendices:A. Current Behavior Screening FormB. Intervention Record Review C. Adolescent InterviewD. Brief Problem Assessment Interview E. Classroom Progress Monitoring Report F. Multidimensional School Anger Inventory G. Sample Parental Consent Letter/Carta de Consentimiento de PadresH. Guidelines for Generalization Support PersonsI. Academic Self-Monitoring FormJ. Think First Training Outcomes Handouts:Think First Handout I.1. Behavior A-B-C'sThink First Handout II.1. Hassle LogThink First Handout II.2. Behavior A-B-C's for an Anger CueThink First Handout III.1. Common Thought Triggers Think First Handout IV.1. Reminders Think First Handout V.1. Stop And ThinkThink First Handout V.2. Finding Alternative Solutions Think First Handout V.3. Problem-Solving Work Sheet


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