Afariedman, Steven

The new constructive collaboration language in psychotherapy of change/ Steven Afariedman - New York: The Guilford Press, 1993. - 464p.p.

1. Making Numbers Talk: Language in Therapy, Berg and de Shazer
2. ""Both/And"" Solutions, Lipchik
3. Take Two People and Call Them in the Morning: Brief Solution-Oriented Therapy with Depression, O'Hanlon
4. After the Shift: Time-Effective Treatment in the Possibility Frame, Fanger
5. Enhancing Views of Competence, Durrant and Kowalski
6. Solution-Oriented Brief Therapy with Difficult Adolescents, Selekman
7. Toward a Mutual Understanding: Constructing Solutions with Families, Mittelmeier and FriedmanII. Narratives of Liberation
8. The Monsters in My Head, Langella
9. The Turtle with Wings, Freeman and Lobovits
10. A Narrative Approach to Families with Adolescents, Dickerson and Zimmerman
11. Escape from the Furies: A Journey from Self-Pity to Self-Love, Friedman
12. In Pursuit of a Better Life: A Mother's Triumph, Brecher and FriedmanIII. Reflexive Conversations
13. See and Hear, and Be Seen and Heard, Andersen
14. On a Roller Coaster: A Collaborative Language Systems Approach to Therapy, Anderson
15. Tekka with Feathers: Talking about Talking (about Suicide), Hoffman-Hennessy and Davis
16. Helping Embattled Couples Shift from Reactive to Reflective Positions, CaesarIV. The Postmodern Era: A Universe of Stories
17. Silenced Voices Heard: A Tale of Family Survival, Sawatzky and Parry18. Without a Net: Preparations for Postmodern Living, Parry


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