Narrative therapies with children and adolescents/ edited by Craig Smith - New York :: Guilford Press, c1997. - xxvi, 469 p. ;

1. Introduction: Comparing Traditional Therapies with Narrative Approaches, Smith
2. ""I am a Bear"": Discovering Discoveries, Epston
3. ""Catching the Little Fish"": Therapy Utilizing Narrative, Drama, and Dramatic Play with Young Children, Barragar-Dunne
4. Narrative Therapy and Family Support: Strengthening the Mother's Voice in Working with Families with Infants and Toddlers, Sax
5. Lists, Freedman and Combs
6. Miserere Nobis: A Choir of Small and Big Voices in Despair, Andersen
7. Destination Grump Station--Getting Off the Grump Bus, Lobovits and Freeman
8. Listening with Your ""Heart Ears"" and Other Ways Young People Can Escape the Effects of Sexual Abuse, Adams-Westcott and Dobbins
9. From Imposition to Collaboration: Generating Stories of Competence, Stacey
10. Collaborative Conversations with Children: Country Clothes and City Clothes, Anderson and Levin
11. Attention Deficit Disorders: Therapy with a Shoddily Built Construct, Law
12. From ""Cold Care"" to ""Warm Care"": Challenging the Discourses of Mothers and Adolescents, Weingarten
13. Re-Considering Memory: Re-Remembering Lost Identities Back toward Re-Membered Selves, Madigan
14. Voices of Political Resistance: Young Women's Co-Research on Anti-Depression, Nylund and Ceske
15. Sex, Drugs, and Postmodern Therapy: A Teen Finds Her Voice, Hicks
16. Re-Authoring Problem Identities: Small Victories with Young Persons Captured by Substance Misuse, Sanders
17. Tales Told Out of School, Berndt, Dickerson, and Zimmerman


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