Gauvain, Mary

The social context of cognitive development/ Mary Gauvain - New York : Guilford , c2001. - xx, 249 p. PB

PART 1. The Social Foundations of Cognitive Development
The Social Foundalion of die Mind, 5
Remembering Childhood, 8
Concluding Thoughts, 17
Processes of Change: The "How" of Cognitive Development
What Are the Mechanisms of Cognitive Development?, 20
What External Factors Have Been Implicated
as Mechanisms of Cognitive Change?, 24
Social Processes as Mechanisms of Intellectual Growtli, 30
Social Processes of Cognitive Development, 34
Concluding Thoughts, 40
The Sociocultural Context of Cognitive Development
Cognitive Development in Cultural Context, 44
Identifying die Origins of Higher Mental Fimctions in
Social Activity, 47
Cognitive Socialization: Who's Involved?, 55
Concluding Thoughts, 62
PART n. The Development of Specific Higher
Mental Functions in Social Context
Acquiring Knowledge: Intersubjectivity, Joint Attention,
and Social Referencing
Attention and Its Development, 71
Social Experience and Early Aiicnlional Processes, 77
Concluding Thoughts. 101
Remembering: The Social Construction of the Past
What Is Memor)' and Why Is It Important?, 104
Early Evidence of Remembering. 106
The Social Context of Memoiv Development, 109
Social Influences on the Development
of Event and Strategic Memoiy, 114
Concluding Thoughts. I.S6
Solving and Learning to Solve Problems in Social Context
What Is Problem Solving?, 139
Social Interaction and the Development
of Problem Solving, 140
The Social C^onicxt of Problem-Solving Interaction, 163
Concluding Thoughts. 169
Constructing the Future: Planning in Social Context
Planning and Its Development over Childhood, 174
Social Interaction and the Development
of Planning, 177
Social Processes That Regulate (niildren's
Opportunities to Learn about Planning
from Experience with Others, 198
Ck)ncluding Thoughts, 205

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