
Evaluation Ethics for Best Practice/ Michael Morris - New York: The Guilford Press, 2008. - 230p.p. HB

Chapter One. Ethics and Evaluation
Chapter Two. The Entry/Contracting Stage
Scenario 1. The Coordination Project
CnninienlaPy. Consumers, Culture, and Validity Karen E. Kirkhart
Cnnnnenlary. Whose Evaluation Is It, Anyway? David M. Chavis
What If...?
Final ThOUfllliS. The Coordination Project
Scenario 2. just Say No?
Questions to Consider
Chapter Three. Designing the Evaluation
Scenario 1. The Damp Parade?
Cnmnienlary. Everybody Talks about the Weather ...
Melvin M. Mark
Cnninienlary. No Rain Today Gail V. Barrington
What If...?
Final TiinOflhtS. The Damp Parade?
Scenario 2. What's under the Rock?
Questions to Consider
Chapter Four. Data Collection
Scenario 1. The Folder
Cnmnienlary. Hold 'Em or Fold(er) 'Em?:
What's an Evaluator to Do? Michael Hendricks
Commentary. Centering the Folder sarila davis
Whatlf... ?
Final TiinOBllta. The Folder
Scenario 2. Hideout
Questions to Consider
Chaptep Five. Data Analysis and Interpretation
Scenario 1. Knock, Knock, What's There?
COOimentary. what's There: Confidence or Competence?
Leslie J. Cooksy
CnniniBnlapy. interpreting Effects William R. Shadish
What If... ?
Final TliOUfllllS. Knock, Knock, What's There?
Scenaria 2. Things Happen
Questions to Consider
Chaptep Six. Communication of Results
Scenario 1. Mainstream
Connneniary. Mainstreaming Process Evaluation: Ethical Issues
in Reporting Interim Results Mary Ann Scheirer
CDinnientary. Reporting Bad News:
Challenges and Opportunities
in an Ethical Dilemma Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar
and Lucia Orellana-Damacela
What If... ?
Final Tiiougiitg. Mainstream
Scenario 2. Whose Voices?
Questions to Consider
Chaptep Seven, utilization of Results
Scenario 1. Nightly News
Cflmmenlary. Fixing the Spin on Evaluation
Laura C. Leviton
Cooiinentary. From Substance Use to Evaluation Misuse:
Is There a Way Out? Sharon F. Rallis
What If... ?
Final TilOUgiltS. Nightly News
Scenario 2. is My job Done Yet?
Questions to Consider
Chaptep Eight. Lessons Learned


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