Condie, Kent C.

Earth: as an evolving planetary system/ Kent C. Condie - 2nd ed. - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011. - xv, 74 p.

Machine generated contents note: 1.Earth Systems --
Earth as a Planetary System --
Structure of Earth --
Plate Tectonics --
Is the Earth Unique? --
Interacting Earth Systems --
Further Reading --
2.The Crust --
Introduction --
Seismic Crustal Structure --
The Moho --
Crustal Layers --
Complexities in the Lower Continental Crust --
Crustal Types --
Oceanic Crust --
Seismic Features --
Ocean Ridges --
Ocean Basins --
Volcanic Islands --
Trenches --
Back-Arc Basins --
Transitional Crust --
Oceanic Plateaus --
Arcs --
Continental Rifts --
Inland-Sea Basins --
Continental Crust --
Shields and Platforms --
Orogens --
Continent Size --
Heat Flow --
Heat Flow Distribution --
Heat Production and Heat Flow in the Continents --
Age Dependence of Heat Flow --
Exhumation and Cratonization --
Unraveling Pressure-Temperature-Time Histories --
Some Typical P-T-t Paths --
Cratonization --
Processes in the Continental Crust --
Rheology --
The Role of Fluids and Crustal Melts --
Crustal Composition --
Approaches --
Seismic Wave Velocities --
Seismic Reflections in the Lower Continental Crust --
Sampling of Precambrian Shields --
Use of Fine-Grained Detrital Sediments --
Exhumed Crustal Blocks --
Crustal Xenoliths --
An Estimate of Crustal Composition --
Continental Crust --
Oceanic Crust --
Complementary Compositions of Continental and Oceanic Crust --
Crustal Provinces and Terranes --
Crustal Province and Terrane Boundaries --
The United Plates of America --
Further Reading --
3.Tectonic Settings --
Introduction --
Ocean Ridges --
Ocean Ridge Basalts --
Ophiolites --
General Features --
Tectonic Setting and Emplacement of Ophiolites --
Formation of Ophiolites --
Precambrian Ophiolites --
Tectonic Settings Related to Mantle Plumes --
Large Igneous Provinces --
Oceanic Plateaus and Aseismic Ridges --
Rifted Continental Margins --
Continental Flood Basalts --
Hotspot Volcanic Islands --
Giant Mafic Dyke Swarms --
Continental Rifts --
General Features --
Rock Assemblages Note continued: The Observational Database --
The Snowball Model --
Event 6 Mass Extinction at the End of the Permian --
General Features --
Evidence for Impact --
LIP Volcanism --
Shallow-Water Anoxia --
Catastrophic Methane Release --
Conclusions --
Event 7 The Cretaceous Superplume Event --
Geologic Evidence --
The Carbon Isotope and Trace Metal Record --
Seeking a Cause --
A Possible Superchron-Superplume Connection --
Event 8 Mass Extinction at the end of the Cretaceous --
General Features --
Seeking a Cause --
Evidence for Impact --
Iridium Anomalies --
Glass Spherules --
Soot --
Shocked Quartz --
Stishovite --
Chromium Isotopes --
LIP Volcanism --
Chicxulub and the K/T Impact Site --
Possibility of Multiple K/T Impacts --
Conclusions --
Further Reading --
10.Comparative Planetary Evolution --
Introduction --
Condensation and Accretion of the Planets --
The Solar Nebula --
Emergence of Planets --
Homogeneous Accretion --
Chemical Composition of the Earth and the Moon --
Accretion of Earth --
The First 700 Million Years --
Members of the Solar System --
The Planets --
Mercury --
Mars --
Crustal Dichotomy --
Surface Features --
Martian History --
Venus --
In Comparison to Earth --
Volcanism --
The Venusian Core --
Crustal Plateaus --
Thermal History --
The Giant Planets --
Satellites and Planetary Rings --
General Features --
Planetary Rings --
The Moon --
Rotational History of the Earth-Moon System --
Satellite Origin --
Comets and Other Icy Bodies --
Asteroids --
Meteorites --
Chondrites --
SNC Meteorites --
Refractory Inclusions --
Iron Meteorites and Parent Body Cooling Rates --
Asteroid Sources --
Meteorite Chronology --
Impact Chronology of the Inner Solar System --
Volcanism in the Solar System --
Planetary Crusts --
Plate Tectonics --
Mineral Evolution --
Evolution of the Atmospheres of Earth, Venus, and Mars --
The Continuously Habitable Zone --
Comparative Planetary Ev



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