Reissland, Nadja

The development of emotional intelligence: a case study Nadja Reissland - New York: Routledge, 2012. - 184 p. HB

Overview of the literature on emotional intelligence (El)
1 Introduction
Overview 3
Bcickgrouiul to the study of emotioned intelligence 4
El in the context of emotional development 5
Novel approach to studying the development of El 5
Emotional discourse and El 6
Emotion socialisation and El 6
The case study 7
The importance of the father and El 7
El in infancy 8
Labelling emotions in the context oj El growth 9
Teasing and El 10
El and cognitive development 11
El and death I!
2 Emotional intelligence: models and controversies
What is emotional intelligence? 13
How is emotional intelligence measured? 17
3 The language of emotional intelligence
Recognizing emotions in facial expressions: is there a
developmental progression? 22
Pitch of voice and emotional intelligence 25
4 Regulation of emotional expression
Self-regulation of enunions in infancy 31
The effects of maternal mental health as the basis for
emotional intelligence 32
Socialization of positive emotions 33
5 Emotional intelligence: the ability to interact emotionally
through empathy
The development of empathy 37
Trait and ability E! and empathy 39
El and understanding jokes 41
6 Emotional intelligence, health and negative emotions
Negative emotional experience and coping strategies 45
Other people's negative emotions: how nurses or carers
cope with negative emotions and violence in the
workplace 46
Case study
Introduction to the case study
7 The language of emotions from the first months of life
Socialization of emotion during the first four months 58
Praising and reinforcing desirable emotions during the
first four months 59
Talking about fear and using humour in the fifth
month 61
Learning to talk about objects from 6 months onwards 63
Learning to talk about emotions in the second year 65
Conclusion 67
8 Acoustic aspects of emotion talk
The influence of sound on the appraisal of emotion 71
The tneaning of the message is carried by sound 72
Questions about feelings and questions about thoughts 77
9 On the changing table: the use of rhetoric with an infant
The mutual influence of parent and infant 81
The function of question 83
The use of '/' and 'you 85
Putting on socks: what routines con tell us about
development 87
Emotional intelligence in communicative frames 89
10 Teasing and emotional development
How does teasing relate to emotional development and the
development of emotional intelligence? 93
Teasing involving innuendo 96
Teasing involving sleep 97
Teasing involving language or physical limitations 99
Teasing involving appeasement 100
Verbal teasing can involve nicknames lOI
Toto 'teasing' Daddy 102
11 From 'social smile' to laughter: how positive emotions
How to explain a smile 107
The problem with labelling emotions 108
The function of smiles 109
The changing context of a smile 112
12 Toto's experience of her father's death
Death and how to explain it 119
Death and life after death 124
Passage to heaven 125
Practical ideas about life after death 126
Cognitive development and changing ideas about death and
life after death 127
Conclusion 13 /
13 Conclusion
14 Emotional intelligence for parents


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