Moral psychology/ edited by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. - Cambridge, MIT, c2008. - 3 v. PB

Acknowledgments xi
Introduction xiil
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
1 I Naturalizing Ethics 1
Owen Flanagan, Hagop Sarkissian, and David Wong
1.1 I Three Cheers for Naturalistic Ethics 27
William D. Casebeer
1.2 I Response to Duke Naturalists
Michael Ruse
1.3 I Naturalism Relativized?
Peter Railton
1.4 I What Is the Nature of Morality? A Response to Casebeer, Railton,
and Ruse 45 '
Owen Flanagan, Hagop Sarklssian, and David Wong
2 I Can a General Deontic Logic Capture the Facts of Human Moral
Reasoning? How the Mind Interprets Social Exchange Rules and Detects
Cheaters 53
Leda Cosmides and john Tooby
2.1 I Ought We to Abandon a Domain-General Treatment of
"Ought"? 121
Ron Mallon
2.2 I Can Evolutionary Psychology Assist Logicians? A Reply to
Mallon 131
Leda Cosmides and john Tooby
vili I Contents
2.3 Comment on Cosmides and Tooby 137
Jerry Fodorjerry rouui
2.4 When Falsification Strikes: A Reply to Fodor 143
Leda Cosmides and John Tooby
Moral Sentiments Reiating to incest: Discerning Adaptations from
By-products 165
Debra Lleberman
3.1 , Edward Westermarck on the Meaning of "Morai"
Arthur P. WolfArthur P. won , u c 195
3.2 : Aversions, Sentiments, Moral judgments, and Taboos
Richard Joyce
3.3 ; Response to Joyce and Woif 205
Debra Lieberman
Kindness, Fidelity, and Other Sexually Selected Virtues 209
Geoffrey MillerGeoffrey Miller
4.1 I Why Moral Virtues Are Probably Not Sexual Adaptahons
Catherine Driscoll
4.2 ^ The conflict-Resolution Theory of Virtue
Oliver Curry
4.3 ! Response to Comments 263
Geoffrey Miller
Peter Ulric TsePeter Ulric Tse 299
Michael R. Dietrich
Tse 303
Kathleen Wallace
5 3 Reply to Dietrich and Wallace 315
Peter Ulric Tse
,ci w •• • -
Structure That Shapes
Chandra Sekhar Sripada
Using a Linguistic Analogy to Study Morality
rt Harman
|The Poverty of the Moral Stimulus
Reply to Harman and Mikhail
dra Sekhar Sripada
7 Is Morality Innate? 367
Jesse '• Prinz
7.1 ' I low Not to Argue That Morality Isn't Innate: Comments on
7.2 I "she Nativism Debate and Moral Philosophy: Comments on
Prinz I 419
7.3 I f^ply to Dwyer and Tiberius 427
Jesse J.lPrinz
;es 441
itors 497
Index tcj Volume 1
Index tcjVolume 2
Index to Volume 3
'"*1 I'M. !!
Contents ix
6.1 I Using a Linguistic Analogy to Study Morality 345
Gilbert Harman
6.2 j The Poverty of the Moral Stimulus 353
John Mikhail
6.3 ' Reply to Harman and Mikhail 361
Chandra Sekhar Sripada
7 I Is Morality Innate? 367
Jesse J. Prinz
7.1 I How Not to Argue That Morality Isn't Innate: Comments on
Prinz 407
Susan Dwyer
7.2 I The Nativism Debate and Moral Philosophy: Comments on
Prinz 419
Valerie Tiberius
7.3 I Reply to Dwyer and Tiberius 427
Jesse J. Prinz
References 441
Contributors 497
Index to Volume 1 499
Index to Volume 2 527
Index to Volume 3 557

9780262195614 (vol. 1 : hardcover : alk. paper)

170 / SIN/M