West Asia in turmoil: implications for global security/ editors, N.S. Sisodia, Ashok K. Behuria. - New Delhi : Academic Foundation in association with Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, 2007. - 477 p. : ill., 1 map ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Section I -- West Asia and the International Security Environment -- 2. Changing Security Dynamics in West Asia: Implications for the Region and the World/ HAMID ANSARI -- 3. Military Power: The Elusive Answer/SARI NUSSEIBEH -- 4. The International Strategic Medial Path: West Asia in a Global Security Context/ JAFFAR M iRGHANI AHMED -- 5. Security and Development in West Asia: Need for New Thinking/MOSTAFA ZAHRANI -- 6. The Post-9/11 Security Predicament in West Asia: The Imperatives for Ending External Intervention/ AKMAL HUSSAIN -- Section II -- Regional Security: Different Perceptions -- 7. West Asia Security Policies after 9/11: A Case Study of GCC Countries/ FAISAL 0. AL-RFOUH -- 8. The Security Challenges in the Mediterranean Area and their Links with Western Asia/ SMAIL BENAMARA -- 9. Maritime Terrorism off the Arabian Peninsula: A Post-Limburg Security Assessment/ GURPREET S. KHURANA -- 10. The Human Aspect of Regional Security: A View from North Africa/ AHMED A. AL-ATRASH -- 11. The Palestine-Israeli Issue and the Regional Security in West Asia/ CHEN SHUANGQING -- 12. The New Government in Iran: Implications for International Security/ PREMARANI SOMASUNDRAM -- 13. Threats to Stability in Asia: Special Focus on West Asia/ MARIAN ABISHEVA -- Section III -- Energy and Security: The Political Economy of Energy -- 14. Gas Pipelines: Drawing Fresh lines on the Map/ TALMIZ AHMAD -- 15. India's Energy Security: Concepts and Measures/ A .F. A LHAJJI -- 16. Asia's Energy Quest: Redefining the Security Dynamics of West Asia/ GIRIJESH PANT -- 17. Geopolitics of Energy Resources in the Arabian Gulf/ MOHAMED NOMAN GALAL -- Section IV -- WMD and the Nuclear Dynamic in Wesi Asia -- 18. Israel's Nuclear Weapons Policy/ CAMERON S. BROWN -- 19. Iran and the Problems of Non-Proliferation in West Asia/ ABDUSAMAT KHAYDAROV -- 20. US-Iran Relations: Confrontation or Rapprochement/ BASANT REPSWAL -- 21. Dynamics of Global-Regional Concerns on Proliferation: The Case of Iran/ NOBUMASA AKIYAMA -- Section V -- Political Reforms and Popular Participation: Regional and Extra-regional Approaches -- 22. Democratising the Middle East: Democracy Promotion as a Means of Achieving International Security?/ DIETRICH JUNG -- 23. The Political Reforms in West Asia after 9/11/ SAHAR A. AL-MAJALI -- 24. Political Reforms in Saudi Arabia: The Prospects/ GULSHAN DIETL-- 25. Turkey's Democratic Experience and Its Influence on Regional Muslim Countries in the Post-9/11 Era/ SIRET HORSOY -- Section VI -- Non-Traditional Challenges to Security: The West Asian Experience -- 26. Fundamentalism and Democracy/ EMMANUEL SIVAN -- 27. Jehadist Insurgency and the Crisis of Legitimacy in the Islamic World/ JOSEPH McMILLAN -- 28. Religious Terrorism: Territorialised and De-territorialised/ RYOJI TATEYAMA -- 29. Water Resources Issue in the Middle East Conflict/ BAKHTIYAR MIRKASYMOV -- Section VII -- India and West Asia -- 30. India and West Asia: A Diplomats' Perspective/ S.K . SINGH -- 31. Changjng World Order and West Asia: A View from India/ ASHOK K. BEHURIA -- 32. Managing Foreign Workforce in the Gulf: Redefining the Rules of Engagement/ N. JANARDHAN -- 33. India and West Asia: Past and Future/ A.K. PASHA

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National security--Middle East
National security -- Middle East -- Congresses.

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