Praeger guide to the psychology of gender/ edited by Michele A. Paludi - London: Praeger, 2004. - 313 p. HB

Introduction; Plus change, plus c'esi la nieme chose (The more
things change, the more they stay the same)
Michele A. Paliuii. Carmen >4. Palitdi, Jr.. and Darlene C. DeFoiir
1 Learning Masculinity and Femininity: Gender Socialization
from Parents and Peers across the Life Span
Shelly Mannion and Paula Lundberg-Love
2 Cultural Perspectives on Gender
Janet Sigal and Maureen Nally
3 A Latin American Perspective on the Study of Gender
Eros R. DeSouza, John Baldwin, Silvia H. Roller, and Martha Nan>az
4 Gender. Sexuality, and Intimate Relationships
Donna Castaheda and Alyson Burns-Glover
5 Gender and Mental Health: Incidence and Treatment Issues
Rudy Nydegger
6 The Hidden Curriculum: Gender in the Classroom
Susan Basow
7 Gender and Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Marianne LaFrance and Jennifer L. Harris
8 Feminist Research Methods: Studying Women and Gender
Maureen C. McHugh and Lisa Cosgrove
9 Social Role Theory of Sex Differences and Similarities:
Implications for the Sociopolitical Altitudes of
Women and Men
Alice H. Ea^ly and Abitiail A. Mitchell
10 Gender. Justice, and Social Change
William P. Gaeddcn
11 The Role of Shame in Socio- and Subcultural Intluences on
Disordered Eating
Jean E. Denimts, Nancy Felipe Rns.w, and Lisa R. Rubin
12 Development of Sex and Gender: Biochemistry, Physiology,
and Experience
Ethel Tobach
13 Feminism and Psychology
Joan C. Chrisler and Christine A. Smith


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