Bioinformatics for DNA sequence analysis/ edited by David Posada. - 1st ed. - New York: Humana Press, 2009. - xiii, 354 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.

1. Similarity Searching Using BLAST
2. Gene Orthology Assessment with OrthologID
3. Multiple Alignment of DNA Sequences with MAFFT
4. SeqVis: A Tool for Detecting Compositional Heterogeneity among Aligned Nucleotide Sequences
5. Selection of Models of DNA Evolution with jModelTest
6. Estimating Maximum Likelihood Phylogenies with PhyML
7. Trees from Trees: Construction of Phylogenetic Supertrees Using Clann
8. Detecting Signatures of Selection from DNA Sequences Using Datamonkey
9. Recombination Detection and Analysis Using RDP3
10. CodonExplorer: An Interactive Online Database for the Analysis of Codon Usage and Sequence Composition
11. Genetic Code Prediction for Metazoan Mitochondria with GenDecoder
12. Computational Gene Annotation in New Genome Assemblies Using GeneID
13. Promoter Analysis: Gene Regulatory Motif Identification with A-GLAM
14. Analysis of Genomic DNA with the UCSC Genome Browser 15. Mining forSNPs and SSRs using SNPServer, dbSNP and SSR Taxonomy Tree
16. Analysis of Transposable Element Sequences Using CENSOR and RepeatMasker
17. DNA Sequence Polymorphism Analysis Using DnaSP


Nucleotide sequence

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