Toyota, Naoki.

Low-dimensional molecular metals/ Naoki Toyota, Michael Lang, Jens Müller. - Berlin : Springer, c2007. - xvii, 300 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [249]-289) and index.

2 Basic Concepts .... ...... ..... .... .... 7
2.1 Charge Tansfer ......... 7
2.2 Molecular Orbitals and Transfer Integrals .............. 8

3 Structural Aspects . . . . . .................. . . , 13
3.1 Molecular Building Blocks ............13
3.2 Crystal Structures ................... ........ . 16
3.2.1 Quasi-One-Dimensional Compounds ............. 16
3.2.2 Quasi-Two-Dimensional Compounds ............. 19
3.2.3 Three-dimensional Compounds.. . ......... 25
3 3 Anion Ordering and Glassy Phenomena .............. 29

4 Normal-State Properties ..... ............. . 37
4.1 light-Binding Model .. ... .... ... ............ . 37
4.2 Fermi Surfaces and Low Dimensionality . ...... ....... 42
4 3 Electronic Properties ..... ............. . . 45
4.3.1 Transport and Optical Properties .... ....... . 45
4.3.2 Thermal and Magnetic Properties ............. . 63
4.4 Instabilities Involving Spin- and Charge-Degrees of Freedom 75
4.4.1 Charge- and Spin-Density-Waves ................. 75
4 4.2 Spin-Peierls State .................. ........ . 81
4 .43 Charge-Ordering Phenomena ................... 83
4.5 Many-Body Effects .................... 87
4.6 Phase Diagrams .... ....... ........... . 91

5 Magnetic-Field Effects .,,... ....... 99
5.1 Electron Motion in Magnetic Fields . ..... ... .. 100
5.1 1 Semi-Classical Description in k-Space .. ..... 100
5.1.2 Angular-Dependent Magnetoresistance Oscillations , 1.01
5 1.3 Magneto-Optic Resonances ... ......... . 106
5.2 Magnetic Quantum Oscillations ..... ..... ....... 109
5.2.1 Landau Levels and Lifshitz-Kosevich Theory ....... 109
5.2.2 Magnetic Breakdown and Quantum Interference...... 117
5.2.3 Two-Dimensionality EffectI .......... ... .... 120
5.2.4 Superconducting Vortex Stiaes. 123
S.2.5 Magnetic Exchange-Interaction 126
5.3 High-Magnetic Field States ..... ........ . ..... 128
5 3.1 Field-Induced Cascade Transitions to SDWs
and Anomalous High-Field States . .......... 128
5.3.2 Field-Induced Destruction of CDW
and Anomalous High-Field States .. .. ..... . 33
5.3.3 Approaching the Quantum Limit ..... ...........138

6 Superconductivity ....... ... .. .... .. .... . ... . . 141
6.1 Occurrence of Superconductivity in Molecular Metals ...... 141
6 2 Ginzburg-Landau Theory ............. ....... ... 143
6.3 The Superconducting Phase Transition ..... ..... ... 147
6.3.1 Anisotropy and Superconducting Fluctuations .......148
6.3.2 Pressure Dependence of T' . ............. . ... 153
6.3.3 Disorder ............. ................. . . . 157
6.4 Superconducting Parameters .. . . .. ..... . ... ... 164
6.4.1 (TM TSF)2X .. . . ....... ........... . 165
64.2 (BEDT-TTF)2X and (BEDT-TSF)2X ....1..... . 166
6.5 The Superconducting Mixed State . ...... ........ 170
6.5.1 Overview . ... .. . .. . .. . . . ..... . .... . 170
6.5.2 Basic Concepts of Vortex Matter
in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Systems .. ...... 172
6.5.3 Experimental Findings for (BEDT-TTF)2X........ 175
6.6 Superconducting Order-Parameter ... ........ ..... ... 188
6.7 On the Pairing Mechanism .... .. .. .. .. .... . 210

7 Phenomena of Interacting Tr and d-Electrons .........219
7.1 (DCNQI)2Cu .. ............. ... .. .. . . . 219
7.1.1 Crystal Structure and Electrical Conductivity ........ 219
7.1.2 Reentrant Metal-Insulator Transition ......... . 221
7.2 (BEDT-TSF)2FeX4 (X=CI,Br) . . ........... ....... 224
7.2.1 Crystal Structures and Transfer Integrals ....... 225
7.2.2 Conductivity and Magnetism ............ . ..... 227
7.2.3 Magnetic Interactions and Mean-Field Theories .... 229
7.2 4 Anomalous Metallic States ............ . .. . .. 232
7.2 5 Antiferromagnetic Insulating States ..... ..... .... 236
7.2.6 Magnetic Field-Induced Transitions ........... 241

9783540495741 (hbk.) 3540495746 (hbk.)

Conducting polymers.
One-dimensional conductors.
Molecular electronics.

539.9 / TOY/L