Hammond, C. (Christopher),

The basics of crystallography and diffraction/ Hammmond,Christopher - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. - xii, 432 p. ill. 24 cm.

1. Crystals and crystal structure ;
2. Two-dimensional patterns, lattices, and symmetry ;
3. Bravais lattices and crystal systems ;
4. Crystal symmetry, point groups, and crystal structures: the external symmetry of crystals ;
5. Describing lattice planes and directions in crystals: Miller indices and zone axis symbols ;
6. The reciprocal lattice ;
7. The diffraction of light ;
8. X-ray diffraction: The contributions of M. von Laue, W.H. and W.L. Bragg, and P.P. Ewald ;
9. The diffraction of X-rays and electrons ;
10. X-rays and electron diffraction of polycrystalline materials


X-ray crystallography

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