Blanchard, Oliver

Macroeconomics/ Olivier Blanchard - 4th ed. - Noida: Pearson, 2007. - xxiv, 587 p. ill. 28 cm.

INTRODUCTION A Tour of the World A Tour of the Book THE CORE The Goods Market. Financial Markets Goods and Financial Markets: The IS-LM Model The Labor Market Putting All Markets Together. The AS-AD Model The Natural Rate of Unemployment and The Phillips Curve Inflation, Activity, and Nominal Money Growth The Facts of Growth Saving, Capital Accumulation, and Output Technological Progress and Growth Technological Progress, Wages, and Unemployment EXTENSION: EXPECTATIONS 1Expectations: The Basic Tools Financial Markets and Expectations Expectations, Consumption, and Investment Expectations, Output, and Policy EXTENSION: THE OPEN ECONOMY Openness in Goods and Financial Markets The Goods Market in an Open Economy Output, the Interest Rate, and the Exchange Rate Exchange Rate Regimes Depressions and Slumps EXTENSION: PATHOLOGIES High inflation Should Policy Makers Be Restrained? BACK TO POLICY Monetary Policy: A Summing Up Fiscal Policy.


Economic history

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