Kendal, Marion D

Dying to live: how our bodies fight disease/ Marion D Kendall - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. - xi, 196p. ill. 23 cm

1 Molecules ofDistinction 1
Similarity andDissimilarity 2
Distinctive Markers 5
Distinguishing People 9
Identifying the Enemy 12

2 Distinctive Families 17
The Family Tree
Family Estates 20
TheT Cell Family 23
The BCellFamily 27
Other Families of Immune Cells 29
The FamilyRetinue 31
Population Explosions 32

3 Patterns ofLife 35
Life Begins 36
The New World 38
First Challenges 40
Adjusting to Life 42
The Later Stages ofLife 49
Travelling the World 50

4 Repelling Invaders 55
MajorDefences 55
Ports of Entry 60
Breaching the Defences

5 The Fight Begins 73
General Defence Policy and the Enemy 74
Sentry Duty 7g
TheAlarm Call gj
Weapons ofWar g3
TheBattle Field gg

6 The MainCampaigns 93
Mobilising the Troops 93
Primitive Prions 95
Virile Viruses 95
Battling Bacteria 97
Particular Parasites
TheCritical Battle jqj

7 Life After Death
Dying toLive Uq
Fiery Fevers 2J3
Soothing Sleep jj5
Repairing theDamage 1j7
Lasting Relationships j2j

8 Survivalof the Fittest 126
ASound Constitution 127
AFitBody I34
TheStimulation ofStress I37
Inherited Health - 142

9 Strugglefor Survival 146
Cancers and their Incidence 147
Normal and Abnormal Cell Cycles 159
Carcinogens and Chemicals I55
TheImmune System and Cancer 160
Autoimmunity, Antibodies and Altered Self 162

10 The New Millennium I65
TheAppearance ofNew Diseases 166
TheDisappearance ofOld Diseases 168
Perennial Problems 170
Vaccinesin the Future 172
Manipulating the Immune System 175
Assisting the Fight against AIDS 178
AttackingAutoimmunities 180
Caring for Cancer Sufferers 182
Final Thoughts 187


immune system

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