Chorafas, Dimitris N.

Globalization's limits: conflicting national interests in trade and finance/ Dimitris N. Chorafas. - Farnham, England ; Burlington, VT : Gower Pub., 2009. - viii, 337 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1 Globalization in Motion
1. China Enforces the Racial Equality Clause
2. Global Rebalancing
3. China and India as Large Emerging Countries
4. Emerging Markets Raise Concerns in OECD Member
5. Globalization's Prerequisites
6. Impact of a Hollowing Economy on the Middle Class
7. The Argument Against Free Trade
8. Globalization's Unexpected Consequences
9. The Greatest Danger of All is Protectionism
2 The Rise of Asian Giants
1. A Snapshot of China's Position
2. Is China Emulating Japan's Rising Sun?
3. India versus China
4. Global Firms from Emerging Countries
5. State Planning as Alternative to Global Firms
6. Tlie Great Leap Forward in Technology Recalls
Mao's Time
7. Pollution, Too, Got Out of Hand
8. Contrarian Opinions about China's Commercial Threat
3 Globalization and the European Union
1. Free Market, Competition, Globalization and the EU
2. Failed Tests of Globalization in the EU
3. Aftermath of Globalization on the European Economy
4. Italy's Decline as Industrial Power: An Example
5. Competitiveness Should Never Be Taken for Granted
6. Italian Textiles versus Chinese Textiles: A Case Study
7. The Italian Economy Needs Both Fiscal Discipline and
Discipline at Large
4 World Trade, China Price and the Doha Round
1. The Management of Change in a Service Economy
2. Economic Integration and the Anticipation of
'Better Days'
3. China Price and the WTO
4. Is China Losing its Price Advantage?
5. Doha Round: A Case Study in Globalization's
Unexpected Consequences
6. Inflated Food Prices and Increased Health Hazard
7. Conflicts of Interest in Global Trade Talks
8. Dead Cat Walking: Doha in 2008
5 Sovereign Wealth Funds
1. The Sovereign Wealth Fund Call
2. The Sovereign Wealth Fund Put
3. State Capitalism: A Way to Get Back Money Loaned to
Rich Nations
4. Human Resources: One of the SWFs Main Challenges
5. How to Destroy a Franchise
6. New Investment Strategies by SWFs
7. SWFs of China and Singapore. An Example
8. Sovereign Wealth Funds and the Dollar
> Risks and Opportunities in Globalized Financial
L Financial Markets
2. Financial Centres
3. Market Liquidity
4. The Central Banks' Liquidity Control
5. The Globalization of Concentration Risk
6. The Difficulty of Distinguishing Bankers from
7. Who is Responsible: Capitalism or Human Nature?
7 Monetary Policy in a Global Economy
1. Responsibility for Monetary Policy: The Fed in August
2. Monetary Base and Money Supply: Ml and M3
3. Who Establishes Global Monetary Supply?
4. Tlie Financial Industry's Money Supply Glut
5. Economic Policy and Global Imbalances
6. Currencies and the Global Financial Market
7. Redressing a Falling Currency: A Case Study
8. The Chinese Sense of a Crisis
8 China's Banks and the Economy
1. Close Ties to the Government Breed Corruption
2. Solvency and Liquidity of Chinese Banks
3. China's Soft Underbelly is Financial Staying Power
4. How to Prune the System of its Excesses
5. Economic Nationalism can Damage China's Economy
6. Mistakes Which Should Have Been Avoided
7. Is China Ally or Antagonist of the United States?
9 Financial Integration in the European Union
1. Is the EU a Modern Integrated Economy?
2. The Low Road to Financial Integration
3. Lisbon Agenda, The European Commission's Action
and Inaction Plans
4. Markets in Financial Instruments Directive by EU
5. Current Issues Relating to Trans-Border Integration
6. The Lack of Integration in Euroland's Banking Industi
7. Banking Regulation and the Home-Host Challenge
8. Beware of Model Risk
10 The Euro: Curse or Blessing for the EU Economy?
1. The Euro's Tenth Anniversary and Ireland's Debacle
2. Establishing a Sustainable and Credible Common
3. The Birth of European Monetary Union and Advent
of the Euro
4. The Euro is a Currency without a Country
5. Challenges of a Single Currency
6. A Positive Example. Germany Thrives with the Euro
7. Italy's and the Euro's Years of Crisis are Not Over
8. Exit the Euro: A Simulation by Standard & Poor's
11 Euroland's Missed Opportunities
1. Political Union Would Have Been the Better Solution
2. Clash of Dirigisme and of Free Economy
3. Treaty of Lisbon and ECB
4. The EU President's Accountability
5. Euroland's Stability and Growth Pact
6. Fireworks with Financial Stability
7. Risk Management: The Way to Come Up from Under

9780566088858 (alk. paper) 0566088851 (alk. paper)

International economic integration.
Free trade.
International finance.

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