Political sciences: an outline for the intending student of government,politics and political sciences/ edited by H. Victor Wiseman. - Londom: Routledge and Kegan paul, 1967. - 183p.

Part 1: Society: Its Rules and Their Validity
1. Society and Types of Social Regulation
2. Moral Theory
3. Legal Theory
4. Rights

Part 2: Social Principles and Their Implementation
5. Justice and Equality
6. Justice and the Distribution of Income
7. Property
8. Punishment
9. Freedom and Responsibility
10. Freedom as a Political Ideal

Part 3: Principles of Association and the Democratic State
11. Individuals in Association
12. Sovereignty and the Moral Basis of State Supremacy
13. The State and Other Associations
14. The Grounds of Authority and Political Obligation
15. Democracy Appendix International Relations


Political science.

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