William O` Donohue

The psychology of B.F. Skinner/ William O'Donohue, Kyle E Ferguson - Thousand Oaks, Sage, c2001. - x, 286 p.

1. Introduction
2. B. F. Skinner—The Man
3. Skinner's Intellectual Background
4. Skinner's Philosophy of a Science
of Human Behavior—Radical Behaviorism
5. Operant Conditioning and the Experimental
Analysis of Behavior
6. Skinner on Cognition
7. Skinner on Language
8. Applied Behavior Analysis
9. B. F. Skinner: Expert Self-Manager
10. Skinner's Views on Bettering Society
11. Criticisms of Skinner
12. Skinner's Legacy
13. B. F. Skinner's Published Works


150.19434092 / DON/P