Judgement over time: the interplay of thoughts,feelings,and behaviors edited by Lawrence J. Sanna, Edward C. Chang - Oxford: OPU, 2006. - 325p.

1. Past as Prologue: An Introduction to Judgments Over Time
Lawrence ]. Sanna and Edward C. Chang
2. Abandoning Optimism in Predictions About the Future
James A. Shepperd, Kate Sweeny, and Patrick J. Carroll
3. Defensive Pessimism: Positive Past, Anxious Present, and Pessimistic Future
Julie K. Norem and Shannon Smith
4. Pursuing a Path to a More Perfect Future: On Causes, Correlates, and
Consequences of Perfectionism
Edward C. Chang, Christina A. Downey, and Elizabeth Y. Lin
5. Predicting Feelings Versus Choices
Leaf Van Boven and Joanne Kane
6. Considering Future Consequences: An Integrative Model
Jeff Joireman, Alan Strathman, and Daniel Balliet
7. Hope Over Time
C. R. Snyder, Kevin L. Rand, and Lorie A. Ritschel
8. Fantasy Realization and the Bridging of Time
Gabriele Oettingen and Jennifer Thorpe
9. Extending the Goal Progress Theory of Rumination: Goal Reevaluation and
Leonard L. Martin and Abraham lesser
10. The Road Not Taken: Counterfactual Thinking Over Time
Lawrence J. Sanna, Seth E. Carter, and Eulena M. Small
11. Explaining the Past. Predicting the Future
Bertram F. Malle and Chuck Tate
12. Looking Backward With an Eye on the Future: Propositions
Toward a Theory of Regret Regulation
Marcel Zeelenberg and Rik Pieters
13. Looking Back on What We Knew and When We Knew It: The Role
of Time in the Development of Hindsight Bias
Fred B. Brijant and Adam DeHoek
14. How Do You Feel Ahout It Now and When Did It Happen.' Judgments
of Emotion and Judgments of Time in Autobiographical Memory
John ]. Skowronski, VU Richard Walker, and John E. Edlund
15. Remembering and Misremembering Emotions
Linda J. Levine, Martin A. Safer Heather C. Lench
16. Future as Epilogue: Some Conclusions on Judgments Over Time
Lawrence J. Sanna and Edward C. Chang


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