Central currents in organization theory/ Central currents in organization studies edited by Stewart Clegg. - London; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications, 2002. - 8 v.: ill.; 25 cm. - SAGE library in business and management .

I. Frameworks and applications (v. 1-4) -- II. Contemporary trends (v. 5-8).

Includes bibliographical references.

VOLUME ONE: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES AND EMERGENT TENSIONS -- Introduction - S R Clegg -- PART ONE: EARLY HISTORIES - THE EMERGENCE OF FORMALLY RATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS -- Time, Work Discipline and Industrial Capitalism - E P Thompson -- What Do Bosses Do? - S A Marglin -- The Origins and Functions of Hierarchy in Capitalist Production -- Class Struggle and the Transformation of the Labor Process - D Stark -- From Asceticism to Administration of Wealth - A Kieser -- Medieval Monasteries and the Pitfalls of Rationalization -- The Emergence of Managerial Capitalism - A D Chandler -- The Ecological Theory of Bureaucracy - J Langton -- The Case of Josiah Wedgwood and the British Pottery Industry -- Scientific Management and Class Relations - P F Meiksins -- A Dissenting View -- Hierarchies and the American Ideals, 1900-1940 - P Miller and T O'Leary -- Scientific Management's Lost Aesthetic - M F Guillen -- Architecture, Organization, and the Taylorized Beauty of the Mechanical -- PART TWO: HUMAN RELATIONS IN FORMALLY RATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS -- Mind in Everyday Affairs - C I Barnard -- An Examination into Logical and Non-logical Thought Processes -- The Effects of Social Environment - L J Henderson, T N Whitehead, and E Mayo -- The Hawthorne Studies - A Carey -- A Radical Critique --Minding the Workers - E O'Connor -- The Meaning of 'Human' and 'Human Relations' in Elton Mayo -- Bureaucratic Structure and Personality - R K Merton -- Metaphysical Pathos and the Theory of Bureaucracy - A Gouldner -- A Convergence in Organization Theory - D J Hickson --

VOLUME TWO: LAYING THE THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS -- PART THREE: SOCIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR THEORIES OF MODERN ORGANIZATIONS -- Suggestions for a Sociological Approach to the Theory of Organizations (I) - T Parsons -- Suggestions for a Sociological Approach to the Theory of Organizations (II) - T Parsons -- Foundations for a Theory of Organizations - P Selznick -- The Concept of Bureaucracy - R H Hall -- An Empirical Assessment -- The Concept of Organization - E Bittner -- The Study of Organizations - R Mayntz -- PART FOUR: BUILDING ORGANIZATION THEORIES -- An Axiomatic Theory of Organizations - J Hage -- Modern Organization Theory - D S Pugh -- A Psychological and Sociological Study -- A Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations - C Perrow -- Dimensions of Organization Structure - D S Pugh, D J Hickson, C R Hinings and C Turner -- The Context of Organizational Structures - D S Pugh, D J Hickson, C R Hinings and C Turner -- A Formal Theory of Differentiation in Organizations - P M Blau -- Interdependence and Hierarchy in Organizations - P M Blau --

VOLUME THREE: DEBATING ORGANIZATION CONTINGENCIES -- PART FIVE: DEBATING CONTINGENCY THEORY -- Organizational Structures, Environment and Performance - J Child -- The Role of Strategic Choice -- Technology and Organization Structure - H E Aldrich -- A Re-examination of the Findings of the Aston Group -- Interorganizational Dependence - S Mindlin and H E Aldrich -- A Review of the Concept and a Re-examination of the Findings of the Aston Group -- Strategy and Structural Adjustment to Regain Fit and Performance - L Donaldson -- In Defence of Contingency Theory -- Structural Contingency Theory - J M Pennings -- A Reappraisal -- Organizational Alignment as Competitive Advantage - T C Powell -- Organizational Portfolio Theory - L Donaldson -- Performance-Driven Organizational Change -- PART SIX: THE ENVIRONMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONS -- The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments - F E Emery, and E L Trist -- Environments of Organizations - H E Aldrich and J Pfeffer -- The Population Ecology of Organizations - M T Hannan and J Freeman -- Structural Inertia and Organizational Change - M T Hannan and J Freeman -- The Two Ecologies - W G Astley -- Population and Community Perspectives on Organizational Evolution -- Organizational Ecology - Terry L Amburgey and Rao Hayagreeva -- Past, Present, and Future Directions -- Organizations in Changing Environments - J Allmendinger and J R Hackman -- The Case of East German Symphony Orchestras --

VOLUME FOUR: INSTITUTIONS, ECONOMICS AND ORGANIZATIONS -- PART SEVEN: INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS -- Organizational Effectiveness and the Institutional Environment - P Hirsch -- Institutionalized Organizations - J W Meyer and B Rowan -- Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony -- Societal Differences in Organizing Manufacturing Units - M Maurice, A Sorge and M Warner -- A Comparison of France, West Germany and Great Britain -- Structuring Organizational Structures - S Ranson, C R Hinings and R Greenwood -- The Iron Cage Revisited - P DiMaggio and W Powell -- Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields -- Economic Action and Social Structure - M Granovetter -- The Problem of Embededdness -- The Adolescence of Institutional Theory - W R Scott -- Fit and the Societal Effect - A Sorge -- Interpreting Cross-National Comparisons of Technology, Organization and Human Resources -- How Institutions Create Historically Rooted Trajectories of Growth - J Zysman -- Institutional Theories of Organization - L Zucker -- The Internationalization of Firms and Markets - R Whitley -- Its Significance and Institutional Structuring -- Institutionalism 'Old' and 'New' - P Selznick -- Understanding Radical Organizational Change - R Greenwood and C R Hinings -- Bringing Together the Old and New Institutionalism -- PART EIGHT: ECONOMICS AND ORGANIZATIONS -- The Nature of the Firm - R H Coase -- Theories of Decision-Making Economics and Behavioural Science - H A Simon -- Bounded Rationality, Ambiguity and the Engineering of Choice - J G March -- The Economics of Organizations - O E Williamson -- The Transaction Cost Approach -- Economic Theories of Organization - C Perrow -- Organizational Economics - W S Hesterley, J Liebeskind, and T R Zenger -- An Impending Revolution in Organization Theory -- Markets, Bureaucracies, and Clans - W G Ouchi -- Hybrid Organizational Arrangements - W W Powell -- New Form of Transitional Development? -- Collaboration or Paradigm Shift? - P Hirsch, R Friedman and M P Koza -- Caveat Emptor and the Risk of Romance with Economic Models for Strategy and Policy Research -- The Spread of the Multidivisional Firm among Large Firms, 1919-1979' - N Fligstein -- The Ethereal Hand - L Donaldson -- Organizational Economics and Management Theory -- Late Adoption of the Multi-divisional Form by Large US Corporations - D A Palmer, R Friedland, P D Jennings and X Zhou -- Institutional, Political and Economic Accounts --

VOLUME FIVE: POLITICAL RELATIONS AND ARENAS -- PART NINE: POWER AND THE POLITICS OF ORGANIZING -- A Strategic Contingencies Theory of Intra-Organizational Power - D J Hickson, C R Hinings, C A Lee, R L Schneck and J M Pennings -- The Bases and Uses of Power in Organizational Decision-Making - G Salancik and J Pfeffer -- Strategy Formulation as a Political Process - A M Pettigrew -- Understanding Organizational Power - K McNeil -- Building on the Weberian Legacy -- Structural Sources of Intraorganizational Power - W G Astley and P S Sachdeva -- A Theoretical Synthesis -- The Organization as a Political Arena - H Mintzberg -- Voicing Seduction to Silence Leadership - M Cal[ac]as and L Smircich -- The Political Process of Innovation - P J Frost and C P Egri -- Radical Revisions - S R Clegg -- Power, Discipline and Organizations -- Tightening the Iron Cage - J R Barker -- Concertive Control in Self-Managing Teams -- The Discipline of Teams - G Sewell -- The Control of Team-Based Industrial Work Through Electronic and Peer Surveillance -- Are There No Limits to Authority? - D Knights and D McCabe -- Domination, Self-Determination and Circular Organizing - A Romme, L Georges -- Power and Discretion - R Munro -- Membership Work in the Time of Technology -- Managerial Strategies of Domination - D Courpasson -- Power in Soft Bureaucracies -- PART TEN: INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL COLLABORATION AND ALLIANCES -- The Interorganizational Network as a Political Economy - K J Benson -- Conditions Facilitating Interorganizational Collaboration - B Gray -- The Strength of Weak Ties - M S Granovetter -- Networks - H B Thorelli -- Between Markets and Hierarchies -- Inter-Firm Networks - A Grandori and G Soda -- Antecedents, Mechanism and Forms -- Developmental Processes of Cooperative Interorganizational Relationships - P S Ring and A H Van de Ven -- Managing 21st Century Network Organizations - C C Snow, R E Miles and H J Coleman Jr -- The Construction, Forms, and Consequences of Industrial Networks - M Ebers and J C Jarillo -- Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks - B Uzzi -- The Paradox of Embeddedness -- Trust and Inter-Organizational Networking - S Newell and J Swan --

VOLUME SIX: DISCURSIVE SUBJECTS AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH -- PART ELEVEN: DISCURSIVE SUBJECTS -- Situated Actions and Vocabulary of Motive - C W Mills -- Cosmopolitans and Locals -- A Gouldner -- Banana Time - D Roy -- Job Satisfaction and Informal Interaction

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