Rajvanshi, Indra

Commercial crops: cultivation and management/ Indra Rajvanshi - 1st ed. - Jaipur: Oxford Book Company, 2009. - 253 p.

1. Diseases of Vegetables
2. Fruit Growing and Food Production
3. Water Supplies and Farm Management
4. Beans and Peas
5. Farm Machinery and Mechanical Power in Agriculture
6. Garlic, Ginger, Leek, Onion, Red Pepper, Turmeric
7, Cotton and Cotton Product
8. Plant Improvement
9. The Varieties of Potatoes and Pulses
10. Mustard and Cocoanut
11. Safflower {Carthamus tinctorius)
12. Jute {Corchorus capsularis and olitorius)
13. Equipment of Farms
14. Role of Sunlight and Rain in Agriculture
15. Wheat (Triticum sativum)
16. Wheat Cultivation
17. Physical Properties of Soils
18. Fodder Plants in India
19. Cotton Crops
20. Indian Com (Bhutta or Maize)
21. Classification of Soils
22. Classification of Field Crops
23. Oilseed Crops
24. Watemut Crops
25. Sericulture
26. Groundnut Crops


Crops -- India
Farm management

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