Agronomy/ edited by Cindy Lee - Oakville: Apple Academic, 2010.

1. Microarray Analysis of Iron Deficienq'^ Chlorosis in Near- Isogenic Soybean Lines
Jamie A O'Rourke, Dirk V Charlson, Delkin O Gonzalez,
Lila O Vodkin, Michelle A Graham, Silvia R Cianzio,
Michael A Grusak and Randy C Shoemaker
2. Pilot-Scale Conversion of Lime-Treated Wheat Straw into Bioethanol: Quality Assessment of Bioethanol and
Valorization of Side Streams by Anaerobic Digestion and
Ronald HWMaas, Robert R Bakker, Arjen R Boersma,
lemke Bisschops, Jan R Pels, Edde Jong, RuudA Weusthuis and
Hans Reith
3. Input Subsidies to Improve Smallholder Maize Productivity in Malawi: Toward An African Green Revolution
Glenn Denning, Patrick Kabambe, Pedro Sanchez, Alia Malik,
Rafael Flor, Rebbie Harawa, Phelire Nkhoma, Colleen Zamba,
Clement Banda, Chrispin Magombo, Michael Keating,
Jmtine Wan^la and Jeffrey Sachs
4. Integration Options for High Energy Efficiency and Improved Economics in a Wood-to-Ethanol Process
Per Sassner and Guido Zacchi
5. Nicotine's Defensive Function in Nature Anke Steppuhn, Klaus Case, Bemd Krock, Rayko Halitschke
and Ian T. Baldwin
6. Simulated Responses of Soil Organic Carbon Stock to Tillage Management Scenarios in the Northwest Great Plains
Zhengxi Tan, ShuguangLiu, ZhengpengLi and Thomas
R Loveland
7. The y-Gliadin Multigene Family in Common Wheat {Triticum aestivum) and its Closely Related Species
Peng-Fei Qi, Yu-Ming Wei, Therese Ouellet, Qing Chen,
Xin Tan and You-Liang Zheng
8. Removing Celiac Disease-Related Gluten Proteins from Bread Wheat While Retaining Technological Properties: A
Study with Chinese Spring Deletion Lines
Hetty C van den Broeck, Teun WJM van Herpen, Cees Schuit,
Elma MJ Salentijn, Liesbeth Dekking, Dirk Bosch,
Rob J Hamer, Marinas JM Smulders, Ludovicus JWJ Gilissen
and Ingrid M van der Meer
9. Expressed Sequence Tags (Ests) and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers From Octoploid Strawberry {Fragaria x
Kevin M Folta, Margaret Staton, Philip J Stewart, Book Jung,
Dawn H Bies, Christopher Jesdurai and Dorrie Main
10. Genetically Modified Parthenocarpic Eggplants: Improved Fruit Productivity Under Both Greenhouse and Open Field
Nazzareno Acciarri, Federico Restaino, Gabriele Vitelli,
Domenico Perrone, Michela Zottini, Tiziana Pandoljini,
Angela Spena and Giuseppe Leonardo Rotino
11. A Physical Map of the Heterozygous Grapevine 'Cabernet Sauvignon' Allows Mapping Candidate Genes for Disease
Marco Moroldo, Sophie Paillard, Raffaella Marconi,
Legeai Fabrice, Aurelie Canaguier, Corinne Cruaud,
Veronique De Berardinis, Cecile Guichard, Veronique Brunaud,
Isabelle Le Clainche, Simone Scalabrin, Raffaele Testolin,
Gabriele Di Gaspero, Michele Morgante and
Anne-Francoise Adam-Blondon
12. Identification of Potentially Safe Promising Fungal Cell Factories for the Production of Polyketide Natural Food
Colorants Using Chemotaxonomic Rationale
Sameer AS Mapari, Anne S Meyer, Ulflhrane and
Jens C Frisvad
13. Large-Scale Analysis of Antisense Transcription in Wheat Using the Affymetrix GeneChip Wheat Genome Array
Tristan F Coram, Matthew L Settles and Xianming Chen
14. Identifying Candidate Sites for Crop Biofortification in Latin America: Case Studies in Colombia, Nicaragua and Bolivia
Emmanuel Zapata-Caldas, Glenn Hyman, Helena Pachdn,
Fredy Alexander Monserrate and Liliana Vesga Varela



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