Dudley, Will

Immanuel kant key concepts / Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard - London : Taylor and Francis, 2014.

1. Introduction, Will Dudley & Kristina Engelhard Part I Theoretical Philosophy
2. Critique: knowledge, metaphysics, Gunter Zoller
3. Sensibility: space and time, transcendental idealism, Emily Carson
4. Understanding: judgments, categories, schemata, Dietmar Heidemann
5. Reason: syllogisms, ideas, antinomies, Michelle Grier Part II Practical Philosophy
6. Freedom: will, autonomy, Paul Guyer 7. Practical Reason: categorical imperative, maxims, laws, Ken Westphal
8. Moral Obligation: rights, duties, virtues, Georg Mohr & Ulli Ruhl
9. Political Obligation: republicanism, league of nations, perpetual peace, Katrin Flikschuh Part III Aesthetics, Teleology, Religion
10. Beauty: subjective purposiveness, Kirk Pillow
11. Organism: objective purposiveness, John Zammito
12. Nature and History: ultimate and final purpose, Stephen Houlgate
13. Rational Faith: God and immortality, Patrick Frierson Chronology of Life & Works


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