TY - BOOK AU - Polk,Thad A. TI - Cognitive modeling SN - 9780262661164 U1 - 153 PY - 2002/// CY - London PB - MIT N1 - Chapter The Role of Knowledge in Discourse Comprehension: A ConstructionIntegration Model Wnltcr A. Kintsch Chapter ACT: A Simple Theory of Complex Cognition John R. Anderson Soar Chapter A Preliminary Analysis of the Soar Architecture as a Basis for General Intelligence Paul S. Rosenbknnn. John E. Laird. Allen Nexoell. and Robert McCarl EPIC Chapter Adaptive Executive Control: Flexible Multiple-Task Performance without Pervasive Immutable Response-Selection Bottlenecks David E. Meyer. David E. Kieras. Erick Lauber. Eric H. Schumacher. Jennifer Glass. Eileen Zurbriggen, Leon Gtneindl. and Dana Apifelblat CAPS Optiinaliti/ Theory Chapter Optimality: From Neural Networks to Univeisal Cjrammar Ahin Peince and Pant Sniolenski/ Case Studies in Cognitive Modeling Perceptual R eco^ nit ion Chapter Dynamic Binding in a Neural Network for Shape Recognition John E. Hwnmei and Irving Biederman Exec iitizH' P roc ess es Chapter Context. Cortex, and Dopamine; A Connectionist Approach to Behavior and Biology in Schizophrenia jo)iathan D. Cohen and David Servan-Schreiber Attentional Neglect Chapter 15 The End of the Line for a Brain-Damaged Model of Unilateral Neglect Michael C. Mozer, Peter W. Elalligan. and John C. Marshall List Memory Chapter An Integrated Theory of List Memory John R. Anderson. Dan Bothell. Christian Lebiere. and Michael Matessa Memory and Learning Chapter Why There Are Complementary Learning Systems in the Hippocampus and Neocortex: Insights from the Successes and Failures of Connectionist Models of Learning and Memory James L. McClelland, Bruce L. McNaughton. and Randall C. O'Reilly Category Learning Chapter ALCOVE: An Exemplar-Based Connectionist Model of Category Learning John K. Kruschke Procedural Learning Chapter How People Learn to Skip Steps Stephen B. Blessing and John R. Anderson Conceptual Learning Chapter Acquisition of Children's Addition Stratey!;ies: A Model of Inipasse-l-ree. Know ledge-hesel Learning Raiulolph yVL jonc< ai\ii Kurt VanLchn [jini^ua^c l.carninp^ Chapter Learning from a Connectionist Modi'l of the Acquisition of the linglish Last Tense Kim Piunkctt and Virginia A. Marclnnan Lcarninp^ Words Chapter Acquiring the Mapping from Meaning to Sounds Garrison W. Cottrcll and Kim Piunkctt Rcadin;,^ Words Chapter Understanding Normal and Impaired Word Reading: Computational Principles in Quasi-Regular Domains Daoid C. Plant, fames L. McClelhvid. Mark S. Seidenber^. and Karalyn Patterson Prodiicinp^ Lai};^iui'^e Chapter Language Production and Serial Order: A Functional Analysis and a Model Gary S. Dell. Lisa K. Burger, and William R. Svec Understandiiig Laitguage Chapter Interference in Short-Term Memory: The Magical Number Two (or Three) in Sentence Processing Richard L. Leuus Processing Similariti/ Chapter Similarity. Interactive Activation, and Mapping: An Overview Robert L. Goldstone and Douglas L. Medin Chapter 27 Analogical Mapping by Constraint Satisfaction Keith ]. Hol\/onk dud Paul Thn^ard RL'tric~oi)i<^ Ati /cs Chapter MAC FAC: A Model of Similarity-Based Retrieval Kcuucfh D. Forbiii^. Dedrc Centner, mid Keith Law Representing St rue tare Chapter Distributed Representations of Structure: A Theory of Analogical Access and Mapping john E. Hummel and Keith }. Hah/oak Retrievin;,^ Strueture Chapter Case-Based Learning: Predictive Features in Indexing Colleen M. Seifert. Kristian j. Hammond. Hollyn M. Johnson. Timothy M. Converse. Thomas F. McDou^al. and Scott W. VanderStoep Inductive Reaso11inp Chapter Feature-Based Induction Steven A. Sloman Ded net we Reasoning Chapter Deduction as Verbal Reasoning Thad A. Polk and Allen Newell Task Performance Chapter Project Ernestine: Validating a GOMS Analysis for Predicting and Explaining Real-World Task Performance Wayne D. Gray. Bonnie E. John, and Michael E. Atxuood Part IssiK's in Co^nitni- Modi'ling Coniu'i tioiii^t i's. Sunilu^lu Woiich ChaptiT Conni'ctionism and tlu' Problem of Svsti'inatK ifv CDntinuedi: Whv Smolensky's Solution Still Doesn't Work Ji-rn/ i odor Tlu'on/ c'S. Modeling Chapter Networks and Theories; The Place of Connectionism in Cognitive Science Micluu'l McCloskiy Conipiitntion in the Brain Chapter N'europsychological Inference with an Interactive Brain: A Critique of the 'T,ocality" Assumption Martha }. Farah Mind ('S. World Chapter Is Muman Cognition Adaptive? John. R. Anderson Generality vs. Specificity of Models Chapter Precis of Unified Theories of Coynition Allen NeweU ER -