Nature, space, and the sacred: transdisciplinary perspectives / edited by S. Bergmann, P.M. Scott, M. Jansdotter Samuelsson and H. Bedford-Strohm. - 1st.ed. - Farnham: Ashgate Pub. Ltd., 2009. - xx, 340 p. :

Preface / Sallie McFague --
Editorial / S. Bergmann, P.M. Scott, M. Jansdotter Samuelson and H. Bedford-Strohm --
Nature space and the sacred --
introductory remarks / Sigurd Bergmann --
Part A Earthing the Sacred --
Transforming the theological climate in response to climate change: Jesus and the mystery of giving / Anne Primavesi --
The whole household of God: the use of the oikos metaphor in the built and non-built environment / Ernst M. Conradie --
Interpreting heaven and earth: the theological construction of nature, place and the built environment / Forrest Clingerman --
Part B Ethics in Natural and Built Space --
Atmospheric space, climate change and the communion of saints / Michael S. Northcott --
Biodiversity and Christian ethics: a critical discussion / Anders Melin --
Master of the universe or the humble servant: how the concept of sustainable development is affecting our understanding of humanity and nature / Bjorn Vikstrom --
The proper praise for an architecture of the improper-Joseph Beuys: building with butter / Annette Homann --
Ideal landscapes --
landscape design between beauty and meaning / Carola Wingren --
The altar of the dead: a temporal space for memory and meaning in the contemporary urban landscape / Anna Petersson --
Part C Nature as Entanglement --
The wedge and the knot: hammering and stitching the face of nature / Tim Ingold --
Knowing natural spaces: reinterpreting deep ecology as phenomenology / Kingsley Goodwin --
Seeking transformation in a consumer world: can we achieve a unity of ends and means? / Anna Duhon and Lisa M. Jokivirta --
Restoring or restorying nature? / Glenn Deliege --
Part D Sacred Geographies: Indigenous, embodied knowing: a study in Crow/Apsaalooke space, nature and the sacred / John A. Grim --
Natural sacred places in landscape: an Estonian model / Marju Koivupuu --
The domestic order and its feral threat: the intellectual heritage of the neolithic landscape / Tihamer R. Kover --
Sacred sites in Kyrgyzstan: spiritual mission, health and pilgrimage / Gulnara Aitpaeva --
Keeping the sacred secret: pilgrims' voices at sacred sites in Kyrgyzstan / Zemfira Inogamova --
Part E Turning to the East --
Touching the depths of things: cultivating nature in the thought of Wang Yangming / Mary Evelyn Tucker --
Stone and sacred space in China and Japan: implications for our treatment of the earth / Graham Parkes --
The way forward? Shinto and a 21st century Japanese ecological attitude / Daniel M.P. Shaw.

9780754666868 (hardcover : alk. paper)

Nature -- Religious aspects -- Congresses.
Religion and geography -- Congresses--Sacred space -- Congresses

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