Cohen, Eric

In the shadow of progress: Being human in the age of technology/ Eric Cohen - New York: New Atlantis Books, 2008. - 181 p. HB

INTRODUCTION The Question of Progress * i
PART ONE Science and the Human Prospect
CHAPTER ONE The Spirit of Modem Science • ii
CHAPTER TWO The Human Difference • 28
PART TWO The Ethics ofProgress
CHAPTER THREE Biocthics in Wartime ■ 45
CHAPTER FOUR The Embryo Question • 60
CHAPTER FIVE Our Gcnetic Condition • 79
CHAPTER SIX The Commerce of the Body • 95
CHAPTER SEVEN A Jewish-Catholic Bioethics? • 114
PART THREE From Generation to Generation
CHAPTER EIGHT Why Have Children? • 125
CHAPTER NINE In Whose Image Shall We Die? • 142


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