Weeraperuma, Susunaga

Serenity here and now: the Buddha's Sutta-Nipata sermons/ Susunaga Weeraperuma - New Delhi : New Age Books, 2009. - xviii,240p. : ill. ; 22cm.

Codes of Conduct for Renunciants and Laypersons
Moving Forwards
-The Struggle of the Sakyan Sage
What are Well-Spoken Words?
Who is Deserving of Offerings?"
Gift-Giving and Merit-Making
The Questions of a Wandering Ascetic
Rare is the Sight of a Buddha
Why be Given to Grieving?
Brahmin by Birth or Brahmin by Deeds?
The Hidden Danger in Slander
Leading the Life of a Recluse
Dropping Our Defilements
Saving Oneself from Drowning in Sensuahty
Our Body is a Cave
Dropping AH Philosophical Views
Can Philosophy Purify Us?
The Wisdom of Having No Views
The Discourse on Decay
Avoid Sexual Indulgence
Desist from Debates
The Buddha Rejects a Proposal of Marriage
The Inner Calmness of the Supreme Sage
What Makes Us Quarrel?
There is Only One Trutli
Munis Eschew Ever}' View
O Bliikklius, Briskly Break Your Bonds
Special Qualities of the Munis
Guidelines for Leading the Pure Life
The Head and its Splitting
Wander forth Mindfully
Who is a Great Man?
Going Beyond Birth and Old Age
In This Very Life
Crave Not for Repeated Existence
The State of Emancipation Defies Description
Going Across the Stream
Serenity Here and Now
What is the Nature of Emancipation?
The Incomparable Island
The Tranquil State
Why be Given to Grasping?
Rejoice Not in Sensations
Nothing Either Inside or Outside
Be Mindful Always
Be Finished with Forms
The Path to Yonder Shore


Tipitaka. -- Suttapitaka. -- Khuddakanikaya. -- Suttanipata.

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