TY - BOOK AU - Eugene Watson Burlingame,& C.R. Lanman TI - Buddhist legends SN - 9788120820739 U1 - 294.3 PY - 2005/// CY - Delhi PB - MBP KW - Legend - Buddhist literature - "Tipiṭaka, Suttapiṭaka, Khuddakanikāya, Dhammapada" KW - Legend - Buddhist literature - document N1 - INTRODUCTION 1. Legendary life of the Buddha a. Birth amid rejoicmg of angels b. The Buddhist Simeon c. Youth and marriage d. Resolve to seek after Nibbdna e. The Great Retirement f. The Great Struggle g. The Enlightenment k. Ministry and death i. Buddhist-Christian parallels } 2. Teachings of the Buddha a. The Beginningless Round of Existences b. The motive of the Religious Life c. Impermanence, Suffering, Unreality d. The Four Noble Truths regarding Suffering e. The Noble Eightfold Path to Nibbdna 3. Practice of Meditation 4. Dhammapada: its place in the Buddhist Canon 5. Dhammapada Commentary: general character and structure of parts . 6. Subject-matter and motifs of the stories a. Ka.rma. and Rebirth . . . Legends of the Saints b. Other motifs . Stories of seven-year-old novices c. Humorous stories Stories of good and evil spirits . d. Animal stories 7. Literary relations of the Dhammapada Commentary: its relation to а. The Four Agamas . Buddhaghosa*s Works б. The Vinaya The Jataka Book c. The Udana Dhammapala's Commentaries. 8. Date of the Dhammapada Commentary: 9. Authorship of this Commentary unknown; not by Buddhaghosa Contents of Volume VOLUME 28, PAGE 10. References to stories of this Commentary in Milindapauha 11. Parallels to Story-cycle of Udena 12. Parallels to Dhammapada Commentary stories in Sanskrit and Tibetan 13. Hardy's Legends of Gotama Buddha (Cingalese) 14. Rogers's Buddhaghosha's Parables (Burmese) 15. Previous translations of Dhammapada and of parts of Commentary . 16. Editions of the text of the Dhammapada Commentary 17. Brief list of books on the life and teachings of the Buddha SYNOPSES OF THE LEGENDS OR STORIES The synopses occupy pages 71 to 141 of Volume 28 A detailed Table of Contents of this portion of the work is uncalled for "The page at which the synopsis of any given story begins is given below, with a capital letter S and in parentheses TRANSLATION OF THE LEGENDS OR STORIES The Table of Contents of this portion of the work may advantageously be made to serve also as a finding-index: 1. For the place of the Synopsis of a given story (see above); 2. For the Dhammapada-Stanza [numbers in brackets] to which the story relates; 3. " For the place of the text of the story in Norman's edition (N); and 4. For the same in the Rangoon or Burmese edition (B); and 5. For the same in the Colombo or Cingalese edition (C). — Accordingly, For each Story, there is given, in each odd line, 1. The number of the Story in the Book, 2. An English title, 3. The page (in parentheses and with an S prefixed) of the Sjmopsis, and 4. The page at which the Translation begins. — And For each Story, there is given, in each even line, 1. Its Pali title, 2. The number [in brackets] of the stanza to which the Story relates, 2 a. As counted from the beginning of the Book concerned, and 2 b. As counted from the beginning of the Dhammapada (so Fausbbll), 3. The volume and page (with N prefixed) of the Pali text in Norman's edition, 4. The page (with B prefixecl) of the Pfili text in the Burmese edition, and 5. The page (with C prefixed) of the Pali text in the Cingalese edition. Book 1 Book I. Pairs, Yamaka Vagga. Volume 28 1. "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out" Cakkhupala thera 1 a. Story of the Past: The wicked physician and the woman 2. Why cry for the moon? Matthakundali 3. Tissa the Fat Thulla Tissa thera Sa. Story of the Past: Devala and Narada 4. " Not hatred for hatred Ka]l yakkhini 5. The quarrelsome monks of Kosambi Kosambaka bhikkhu 5 a. Quarrel among the monks 5 6. The Buddha, the elephant, and the monkey 6. Kaja junior and Kaja senior Cuila Kala Maha Kaja 7. Devadatta wears an unbecoming robe Devadatta 7 a. Story of the Past: The elephant-hunter and the noble elephant 8. The Chief Disciples Aggasavaka 8 a. Life of the Buddha 8 b. Life of Upatissa (Sariputta) and Kolita (Moggallana) 8 c. Story of the Past: Kaja junior and Kala senior 8 d. Story of the Past: Yasa and fifty-four companions 8 e. Story of the Past: Thirty noble youths 8 f. Story of the Past: Three brothers Kassapa 8 g. Story of the Past: Sarada and Sirivaddha 9. Nanda the Elder Nanda thera 9 a. Nanda becomes a monk in spite of himself 9 b. Nanda and the celestial nymphs 9 c. Story of the Past: Kappata and the donkey 10. Cunda the pork-butcher Cunda sukarika 11. The righteous lay brother Dhammika upasaka 12. Devadatta's career Devadatta 12 a. Retirement from the world of the six prmces 12 6. Devadatta's wicked deeds 13. Lady Sumana Sumana devi 14. Two brethren Dve sahayaka bhikkhQ Contents of Volume 28, Book 2 Book n. needfulness, Appamada Vagga. Volume 28 1. Story-cycle of King Udena or Udayana Udena-vatthu Part 1. Birth and youthful career of Udena Udena-uppatti, Part 2. Birth and youthful career of Ghosaka Ghosaka-setthi-uppatti, Story of the Past: Kotuhalaka casU away his son Story of the Present: Ghosaka is ca.st away seven times Part 3. Birth and youthful career of SumavatI Samavati-uppatti, Part 4- Winning of Vasuladattil by Udena Viisuladatta-vatthu, Story of the Past: Canda Pajjota wins the five conveyances Part 5. Rejection of Magandiya by the Buddlia Magandiya-vatthu, Part 6. Death of SamavatI and Magandiya, and explanation Samavatiya Magandiyaya ca marana-paridipaka Treasurers, monks, and tree-spirit and Story of the Past Conversion of Samiivatl by KliujjuUra Magandiya's plot against Samavati and the Buddha Burning of SamavatI and punisliment of Magandiya Story of the Past: Samuvairs former deed Story of the Past: Kliujjuttara's former deeds 2. The voice of a rich man Kumbhaghosaka setthi 3. Little Wayman CuUa Panlhaka thera 3 a. Birth of Little Wayman 3 6. Little Wayman as a monk 3 c. Story of the Past: Teacher, young man, and King of Benares 4. Simpletons'Holiday Bulanaklchattaghuttha 5. Kassapa the Great Maha Kassapa thera C. Two brethren Dve sahayaka bhikkhu 7. How Magha became Sakka Magha 7 a. Story of the present: Mahali's question 7 6. Story of the Past: How Magha became Sakka 8. A monk attains Arahatsbip Annatara bhikkhu 9. Tissa of the Market-town NigaraavasI Tissa thera 9 a. Story of the Past: Sakka and the parrot Contents of Volume 29, Boohs Book m. Thoughts, Citta Vagga. Volume 29 1. Elder Meghiya Megliiya thera [ 2. The mind-reader Aflnatara bhikldiu 3. A discontented monk Annatara bhikkhu 4. Nephew Sangharakkhita Bhagineyya Saftgbarakkliita thera 5. Elder Thought-controlled Cittahattlia thera 5 a. Story of the Past: Kuddala and his spade 6. Monks and tree-spirits Paiicasata vipassaka bhikkhu 7. Cruelty a cause of boils Putigatta Tissa thera 7 a. Story of the Past: The cruel fowler 8. Nanda the herdsman ,Nanda gopala 9. Mother of two and father of two ( Soreyya thera Book IV. Flowers, Puppha Vagga. Volume 29 1. The soil of the heart Pathavikathupasuta pahcasata bhikkhu 2. A monk attains Araliatship Marjcikammatthanika thera 3. Vidudabha wreaks vengeance on tlie Sakiyas Vidudabha 3 a. Story of tlie Past: Kesava, Kappa, Narada, King of Benares 4. Husband-honorer Patipujika 5. Niggardly Kosiya Macchariya Kosiya setthi 6. Pathika the Naked Ascetic Pfithika Ajlvaka 7. The king and the King of Kings Chaltapani upasaka 8. Marriage of Visakha Visiikha 8 a. Story of the Past: Visakha's Earnest Wish 9. Elder Ananda's question Ananda-thera-pafiha 10. Sakka gives alms to Kassapa the Great Mahfi-Kassapa-thera-pindapata-dinna 11. Godhika attains Nibbana Godhika-thera-parinibbana Contents of Volume 29, 12. Sirigutta and Garahadinna Garahadinna Book V. The Simpleton, Vagga. 1. The king and the poor man with a beautiful wife Aiiflatara purisa 1 a. Story of the Past: The Hell Pot 1 6. Story ,of the Past: The King of Benares and Queen Dinna 1 c. Story of the Past: The woman who killed a ewe 2. The rebeIlio.u9 pupil Maha-Kassapa-therassa saddhiviharika 2 a. Story of the Past: The monkey and the singila bird 3. A Jonah in the house Ananda setthi 3 a. The niggardly treasurer 3 6. Sequel: A Jonah in the house 4. The pickpocket Ganthibhedaka cora 5. The wise fool Udayi thera 6. From vice to virtue Timsamatta PaUieyyaka bhikkhu 7. A leper is tempted to deny his faith Suppabuddha kutthi 7a. Story of the Past: The four youths and the courtezan 7 b. Story of the Past: The insolent youth 8. A farmer is unjustly accused of theft Kassaka 9. Sumana the gardener Sumana malakara 10. Rape of Uppalavanna Uppalavanna theri 11. Jambuka the Naked Ascetic Jambuka Ajivaka 11 c. Story of the Past: The jealous monk 11 b. Story of the Present: Jambuka the Naked Ascetic 12. The snake-ghost and the crow-ghost Ahipeta 12 a. Story of the Past: The crow-ghost 12 5. Story of the Past: The snake-ghost IS The sledge-hammer ghost Satthikuta-pete 13 a. Story of the Past: The stone-thrower and his pupil 14. Citta and Sudhamma Citta-Sudhamma 14 a. Story of the Past: Citto's deed m a former birth citta-Sudhamma 15. A seven-year-old novice wins all hearts Vanavasi Tissa thera [ 15 a. Story of the Fast: The poor Brahman 15 &. Story of the Present: The novice Tissa Book VI. The Wise Man, Pandita Vagga. Volume 29 1. A poor man wins spiritual treasure Radha thera 1 a. Story of the Past: The grateful elephant 2. The insolent monks Assajipunabbasuka bhikkhu 3. The insolent monk Channa thera 4. Kappina the Great, Elder Maha Kappina thera 4 a. Story of the Past: Weavers and householders 4 6. Story of the Present: King Kappina and Queen Anoja 5. Pan