Schober, Juliane

Sacred biography in the Buddhist traditions of south and southeast Asia/ Juliane Schober - Delhi : MBP, 2002. - xi,366p. : ill. ; 23cm.

Trajectories in Buddhist Sacred Biography
Juliane Schober
PqrC 1
Buddha Biography in Textual and Visual Narratives
Rebirth Traditions and the Lineages
of Gotama: A Study in Theravada Buddhology
Frank E. Reynolds
The Biographical Imperative
in Theravada Buddhism
Mark R. Woodward
Narrative as Icon:.
The Jataka Stories in Ancient Indian
and Southeast Asian Architecture
Robert L. Brown
Pant 2.
Extensions of the Buddha Biography in Texts
A Family Quest:
The Buddha, Yasodhara, and Rahula
in the Mulasarvdstiudda Vinaya
John S. Strong
Nagaijuna's Longevity
Reginald A. Ray
Stupa, Story, and Empire:
Constructions of the Buddha Biography
in Early Post-As'okan India
Jonathan S. Walters
Pant 3
77iejatakas and Biographies of Kings
Painting the "Great Life"
Forrest McGill
From Prose to Poetry:
The Literary Development of Sannittakote
Thomas John Hudak
"Rationality" in the Biography of a Buddhist King.
Mongkut, KingofSiam (r. 1851-1868)
Paul ChristopherJohnson
PaRf 4
The Biographical Genre in Local Buddhist Cults and Practice
In the Presence of the Buddha;
Ritual Veneration ot the Burmese Mahamuni Image
Juliane Schohcr
The Textualization of a Monastic Tradition:
Forest Monks, Lineage, and the Biographical Process
in Thailand
James L. Taylor
The Biography of Modern Bunnese Buddhist
Meditation Master U Ba Khin: Life before
the Cradle and past the Grave
Gustaaf Houtman



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