Critchley, Simon

The ethics of deconstruction: Derrida and Levinas/ Simon Critchley - Delhi : MBP, 2007. - xv,293p. ; 23cm.

1 The Ethics of Deconstruction: The Argument
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Levinasian Ethics
1.3 Dcrrida and Lcvinas: An Emerging Homolog)-
1.4 Derrida's Double-Handed Treatment of Ethics
1.5 Dcconstructive Reading and the Problem of Closure
1.6 From Text to Context: Deconstruction and the
Thought of an Unconditional Ethical Imperative
1.7 The Ethics of Reading; Hillis Miller's Version
2 The Problem of Closure in Derrida
2.1 Introducuon
2.2 The Sense of Closure
2.3 The Genesis of Closure in Derrida's Reading of
2. The Closure of Metaphysics
2.5 Heidegger and Derrida: Closure and the End of
2.6 Clotoral Reading
3 Clotural Readings I: 'Bois' - Derrida's Final Word on
3.1 How the Work Works
3.2 How Levinas Writes his Work
3.3 How Levinas's Work does not Work
3.4 How the Work is Given to Levinas
Clotural Readings II: Wholly Otherwise: Levinas's
Reading of Derrida
4.1 It s Today Tomorrow
4.2 Scepdcism
4.3 Indication
A Quesrion of Politics: The Future of Deconstruction
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Question of the Quesrion: An Ethico-Polirical
Response to a Note in Of Spirit
5.3 Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy: Re-tracing the Political
5.4 A Levinasian PoUrics of Ethical Difference
5.5 Conclusion: Philosophy, Politics, and Democracy


Derrida, Jacques.
Lévinas, Emmanuel.

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