Chari, S. M. Srinivasa

Philosophy & theistic mysticism of the Alvars/ S. M. Srinivasa Chari - Delhi : MBP, 2009. - xx,263p. ; 24cm.

Life and Works of the Alvars
The Dates of the Alvars
The Divine Origin of the Alvars
The Life and Compositions of the Alvars
The Classification of the Prabandhams
The Doctrine of Ultimate Reality
The Philosophical Tb.eory of Paratattva
Paratattva as Narayana
Paratattva as Sriy^pati
The Doctrine of God
Divine Attributes
Divine Personality
Divine Incarnations
Divine Activities
The Doctrine of Individual Self
The Nature of Jiva
JIva and Human Bondage
Jiva and Isvara
The Concept of Bhagavata-sesatva
The Doctrine of Sadhana
The Views of Nammalvar on Sadhana
The Tneory of Bhakti-yoga
The Theory of Prapatti
Divine Grace and Sadhana
The Doctrine of Supreme Goal
The Upanisadic Theory of Moksa
The Theological View of Moksa
The Theory of Kaivalya
Theistic Mysticism
Meaning of Mysticism
Theistic Mysticism as Aspects of Bhakti
Philosophical Significance of Mysticism
Mysticism of Nammalvar
Mysticism of Tirumahgai Alvar
Mysticism of Andal
Mysticism of Periyalvar
Mysticism of Kulasekaralvar
General Evaluation and Conclusion
The Status of Divyaprabandham as
Tamil Veda
The Tiruvaymoli as Vedanta
The Theory of Ubhaya-vedanta
The Influence of the Tamil Prabandhams on
Ram^uja and his Successors
The Alvars and the Vaisnava Sects



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