Lama, Dalai

The path of enlightenment/ Dalai Lama, Glenn H. Mullin - Delhi : Motilala banarsidass publishers, 2007. - 237p. ; 23cm.

The Path to Enlightenment
1: The Nature of the Instruction
2: Three Perspectives on Practice
3: Where the Guru and Disciple Meet
4: The Human Situation
5: Three Levels of Spiritual Application
6: Death and the Lower Realms
7: Seeking a Place of Refuge
8: The Laws of Karmic Evolution
9: Hinayana Realism
10: Generating the Bodhisattva Spirit
11: The Practice of the General Mahayana
12: Vajrayana
13: A Summary of the Path


Introduction to Spiritual life.

294.3 / MUL/T