Hanson, V.R.R.

Karma: rhytnmic return to harmony/ V.R.R. Hanson - Delhi : MBP, 2001. - 291p. ; 23cm.

Part I Understanding Karma
1. Karma in Motion
Felix Layton
2. Karma as Organic Process
Shirley Nicholson
3. Compensation
Ralph Waldo Emerson
4. Karma and Reincarnation
L. H. Leslie-Smith
5. God Is Not Mocked
Aldous Huxley
6. The Source of Becauses
Clarence Pedersen
Part II Karmic Principles in World Religions
7. A Buddhist View of Karma
Joseph Goldstein
8. Karma, the Link Between Lives
Ananda Coomaraswamy
9. The Meaning of Karma in Integral Philosophy
Haridas Chaudhuri
10. The Christening of Karma
Geddes MacGregor
11. ^ Kabbalistic View o f Karma
Edward Hoffman
Part III Karma, Psychology and Astrology
12. Karma, Jung and Transpersonal Psychology
Harold Coward
13. Psychic Scars
Roger J. Woolger
14. Karma and the Birth-Chart
Stephen Arroyo
15. The Ancient Shape of Fate
Liz Greene
Part IV Social Dimensions of Karma
16. Karma Re-Examined: Do We Ever Suffer Undeservedly?
Diana Dunningham Chapotin
17. Choosing: Karma and Dharma in the 21st Century
William Metzger
18. Karmic Process in Science and Society
Anna Freifeld Lemkow
19. Can We Avoid Karmic Debts?
Alfred Taylor
20. The Side Blows of Karma
George E. Linton
Part VBeyond Karma
21. The Transmutation of Karma into Dharma
Dane Rudhyar
22. The Other Face of Karma
Virginia Hanson
23. Karma and the Path of Purification
Christopher Chappie
24. Karma, the Chakras and Esoteric Yoga
Ray Grasse 267
25. Karma and Cosmos
Laurence J. Bendit


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