Das, S.K.

Dive light: yoga systems with their secret techniques/ S.K. Das - 2nd. ed. - New Delhi : NAB, 2008. - 186p. : ill. ; 23cm.

1. The Aim in Life
2. The Practice of Divine Life
3. Preparation for Inward Journey
Good Health
Good Conduct
Essence of Yoga
4. Karma Yoga
5. Bhakti Yoga
6. Japa Yoga
7. Dhyana Yoga
' 8. Ajapajapa Yoga
9. Samarpana (Self-surrender)
10. PurnaYoga
11. Sahaja Yoga (Easy Sadhana)
12. HathaYoga
13. Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga
14. JnanaYoga
15. Vichar Yoga (Self-enquiry)
16. Life and Teachings of Bhagavan
Sri Ramana Maharshi
17. Transcendental Meditation (T.M.)
18. Anapanasati Yoga
19. Turiya Yoga (Nirvikalpa Yoga) or
Choiceless Awareness
20. Surat Shabda Yoga or Anahata
21. Kriya Yoga
22. Kundalini Yoga, Chakrabheda Yoga or
Siddha Yoga or Laya Yoga
23. Tantra Yoga—Yantras And Charms
24. Preksha Dhyana
25. Unto Bliss
26. Devotee's Prayer
27. Mother Divine
28. Auto-suggestion for Health
29. The Divine Play
30. Prayer for the Control of Mind
31. Invoking the Divine Grace
32. Offerings
33. The Secret of Happiness
34. Indriyas—The Best Servants

Yoga -- techniques.

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