Lepes, Naina

The Bhagavad Gita & inner transformation/ Naina Lepes - Delhi : M.B.P., 2008. - 462p. ; 25cm.

1. Yoga of arjuna's Sorrow .
Arjuna Vishada Yoga
Evolution and Liberation.
The Value of Conflict
Essence of the Gita.
Living in Dhanna....
2. Yoga of Eternal Wisdom ..
Sankhya Yoga
The Real and the Unreal
Three Laws of Vedanta..
Knowledge and Practice
Yoga of the Higher Intelligence.
Three Qualities of Matter
The Person of Steady Wisdom ...
Karma Yoga
The Value of Action..
Desireless Action and the Ego....
Preparing for Meditation.
Action as Unification,
Karma Yoga in Practice..
Spiritual Work.
Detaching From Desire...
4. YOGA OF Renouncing Action in Knowledge,
Jnana Karma Sannyasa Yoga
Descent of the Avata
Knowing Reality
The Four Types..
The Secret of Work..
Sacrifice, Individual and Cosmic
Techniques of Sacrifice
The Power of Faith
YOGA OF Renunciation Through Action.
Karma Sannyasa Yoga
Renouncing Desire
Action for Integration
The Joy of Harmony
Action as Duty
The Way of Knowledge
Beyond Mind
The Freedom of Meditation.
YOGA OF Meditation
Dhyana Yoga
Renunciation of Agency
Self Effort..
Equality, Love and Self Control
The Way of Meditation
Freedom from Sorrow..
True Empathy
Effort is Never Wasted
Reflections on Meditation
YOGA OF Knowledge and Wisdom ..
Jnana Vijnana Yoga
Matter and Spirit.
God as Nature
Atman Transcendent and Immanent
Taking Refuge Within.
A Function of "Evil"
The Four Seekers.,
Transforming Levels of Maya.
Yoga of the Imperishable Brahman
Akshara Brahma Yoga
Cycles of Continuity
Levels of Consciousness.,
Transcending the Fear of Death.
Aspects of Reality
Ways of Practice
The Process of Dying
Cycles of Time
Love and Devotion Beyond Time .
Paths of Light and Darkness
9. The Secret Kingly Yoga
Rajavidya Rajaguhya Yoga
Dynamic Divine Cosmology
God and Nature
Action as Creation
Ignorance and Knowledge
Worship and the Wisdom Sacrifice
The Yoga of Giving
10. Yoga of Divine Splendor
Vibhuti Yoga
The Origins of Individual Functioning
Cosmic Levels of Creation
The Tremorless Yoga
Devotion and Buddhi Yoga
Arjuna's Faith and Understanding
Consciousness and the Total Mind
The Ocean of Milk
Story of Prahlada
Psychology of Alchemy
The Seven Female Qualities
Incarnating God Energy
Visvarupa Darsana Yoga
Cosmic Splendor and Destruction
Dissolution on a Personal Level
Karma and Cosmic Action.
After Death Experience
Arjuna's Loving Gratitude.
God with Form.
True Spiritual Experience..
12. YOGA OF Devotion
Bhakti Yoga
Levels of Devotion
Including and Transcending Personal Form
Arjuna's Question
Techniques of Devotion
Avoiding Pitfalls in Spiritual Work
The True Devotee
Reflections on Love.
13. Yoga OF THE Knower AND THE Known..
Kshetra Kshetraj'na Vibhaga Yoga
The Field
Aspects of Maya
Psychotherapy and Purification
Prerequisites for Knowledge
Intimations of Brahman
Relationship of Matter and Spirit
Five Steps Toward Discrimination.
14. Yoga of Dividing the Three Qualities
Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga
Description of the Gunas
Effects of the Gunas
Psychopathology and the Gunas
Observing the Gunas Within
Continuity of the Gunas,
Evolutionary Potential of the Gunas
Way to Paramatma
Summation of the Three Qualities
15. Yoga of the Supreme Self
Purushottama Yoga
The Secret of NonidentiHcation
The Source of Birth, Death and Action
Approaching the End of Knowledge
Three Aspects of the One
Affirmations of Brahman
16. Yoga of Discerning the Light and Dark Paths
Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga Yoga
Introversion and Extroversion
Materialistic Values of Contemporary Society
The Purpose of Suffering
True Wealth
The Asuric Mentality
Transforming the Inner Asura
Psychotherapy and the Asuric Mind>..
The Science of Spirituality
17. YOGA OF THE Three-Fold Faith.
Sraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga
Faith, Ego and Dharma
Three Forms of Faith
Three Forms of Austerity
Three Qualities of Food
Three Qualities of Sacrifice
Three Qualities of Charity
Witnessing the Four Categories
Abiding in Remembrance.
Faith Dissolves Ego
Reflections on Faith
18. Yoga of Liberation Through renunciation.
Moksha Sannyasa Yoga
Surrender and Renunciation
Love, Surrender and Ego
The Causes of Karma
Action and the Gunas
Four Psychological Types and Dharma.
Work as Worship
Separating Essence from Conditioning..
Unity and Individuality..
Renunciation and Intemalizatioii
Becoming One with Brahman
The Victory of Love
The Choice of Surrender
Scripture as the Word of God.
Picture of Krishna
Poem: "Eternal Dharma"
Verses from the Bhagavad Gita
Addendum One: background Story and Characters
Addendum Two: Psychotherapy and Spirituality


Bhagvad Gita.

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