Franco, E.

Beyond Orientalism : the work of Wilhelm Halbfass and its impact on Indian and cross-cultural studies/ E. Franco - Delhi : M.B.P., 2007. - xxxv,673p. ; 22cm.

Introduction and Editorial Essay on Wilhelm Halbfass by Eli Franco
and Karin Preisendanz
Publications by Wilhelm Halbfass
1. Monographs and Selected Articles
2. Contributions to Encyclopedias, etc.
Research and Reflection: Responses to my Respondents. I. Beyond
Orientalism? Reflections on a Current Theme by Wilhelm
1. Cross-Cultural Encounter and Dialogue
Francis X. Clooney, SJ, Wilhelm Halbfass and the Openness of th«
Comparative Project .
Fred Dallmayr, Exit from Orientalism: Comments on Wilhelm
Halbfass .
Sergei D. Serebriany, Some Marginal Notes on India and Europe
Reena Sen (n6e Mookerjee), Some Reflections on India and Europe:
An Essay in Understanding
Klaus Karttunen, Greeks and Indian Wisdom .
Dermot Killingley, Mlecchas, Yavanas and Heathens: Interacting.
Xenologies in Early Nineteenth-century Calcutta
Wilhelm Halbfass, Research and Reflection; Responses to my
Respondents. II. Cross-Cultural Encounter and Dialogue . .
2. Issues of Comparative Philosophy
Jitendra Nath Mohanty, Between Indology and Indian Philosophy
Joseph S. O'Leary, Heidegger and Indian Philosophy
Srinivasa Rao, "Subordinate" or "Supreme"? The Nature of Reason
in India and the West
Rada Ivekovid, The Politics of Comparative Philosophy
Ben-Ami Scharfstein, The Three Philosophical Traditions
Wllhelm Halbfass, Research and Reflection: Responses to my
Respondents. III. Issues of Comparative Philosophy
3. Topics in Classical Indian Philosophy
Jan E. M. Houben, Bhartrhari's Perspectivism (1): The Vrtti and
Bhartrhari's Perspectivism in the First kdnda of the Vdkyapadiya
Johannes Bronkhorst, Philosophy and Vedic Exegesis in the
John Taber, The Significance of Kum^ila's Philosophy
Kunio Harikal, Kumarila's Acceptance and Modification of Catego
ries of the Vai^esika School
Victoria Lysenko, The Vaitoika Notions of dkd^a and diS from the
Perspective of Indian Ideas of Space
Bruce M. Perry, Early Nyaya and Hindu Orthodoxy: d/iw-fa/Za and
Wilhelm Halbfass, Research and Reflection: Responses to my
Respondents. IV. Topics in Classical Indian Philosophy . .
4. Developments and Attitudes in Neo-Hinduism
Andrew O. Fort. JJvamnuJai and Social Service in Advaita and Neo-
Stuart Elkman. Religious Plurality and Swami Vivekananda
5. Indian Religion, Past and Present
Minoru Kara. A Note on dharmasya suksmd gatih
Albrecht Wezler. The Story of Am-Mandavya as told in the Mahdbhdrata:
Its Significance for Indian Legal and Religious
Yohanan Grinshpon, Experience and Observation in Traditional and
Modern Patahjala Yoga
Frank J. Korom, Language, Belief, and Experience in Bengali Folk
Religion ,
Wilhelm Halbfass, Research and Reflection: Responses to my
Respondents. V. Developments and Attitudes in Neo-Hinduism;
Indian Religion, Past and Present
1. Texts in Sanskrit and Pali
2, Modern Authors and Translations


Philosophy, Indic.
Philosophy, Comparative.
Halbfass, Wilhelm, -- 1940-2000.

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