Stearns, Syrus

The Buddha from Dolpo: a study of the life and thought of the tibetan master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen/ Cyrus Stearns - Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2002. - 318p. ; 24cm.

Part One—The Life and Teachings of
THE Omniscient Dolpopa
Chapter One—The Life of the Buddha from Dolpo
1. Childhood and Early Education
2. Studies at the Great Monastery of Sakya
3. The Move to Jonang
4. Raising Mt. Meru and Revealing
the Zhentong View
5. The Initial Reception of the Zhentong
6. The New Jonang Translation of the
Kdlacakra Tantra and the Vimalaprabhd
7. Years of Retreat and Teaching
8. Invitation to China by the Yuan
Emperor Toghon Temiir
9. Changes in the Jonang Leadership and
• the Beginning of the Journey to Lhasa
10. Teachings in Central Tibet and the
Return to Tsang
11. The Aborted Meeting with Budon
Rinchen Drup
12. The Last Months at Jonang
Chapter Two—A Historical Survey of the Zhentong
Tradition in Tibet
1. The Zhentong Tradition in Tibet
before Dolpopa
2. Dolpopa and the Zhentong View
3. The Zhentong Tradition after Dolpopa
Chapter Three—The Doctrine of the Buddha from Dolpo
1. Emptiness of Self-Nature and
Emptiness of Other
2. A Redefinition of Cittamatra and
3. Two Approaches to Enlightenment
Part Two—Texts in Translation
Introduction to the Translation of A General
Commentary on the Doctrine
The Supplication Entitled A General Commentary
on the Doctrine
Introduction to the Translation of The Fourth Council
The Great Calculation of the Doctrine Which Has the
Significance of a Fourth Council


Shes-rab-rgyal-mtshan, -- Dol-po-pa, -- 1292-1361.
Jo-nang-pa (Sect) -- Doctrines.

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