Pandit, Bansi

The Hindu mind: fundalmentals of Hindu religion and philosophy for all ages/ Bansi Pandit - New Delhi : New Age Books, 2001. - 448p. ; 22cm.

1 Origin of Hindu Religion
2 What Hindu Religion Is
3 Hindu Scriptures
4 Hindu View of God and Individual
5 Worship of God in the Form of Mother
6 Different Schools of Hindu Philosophy
7 Vedanta Philosophy
8 Yoga Philosophy
9 Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita
10 Buddhism
11 Jainism
12 Sikhism
13 Karma and Reincarnation
14 Deity Worship and Ritualism
15 Ahimsa and Vegetarianism
16 Hindu Ethics
17 What Hindu Religion is Not
18 Significance of Symbolism
19 Lord Ganesha
20 Lord Brahma
21 Lord Vishnu
22 Lord Shiva
23 Goddess Durga
24 Goddess Lakshmi
25 Goddess Saraswati
26 Sri Rama and Sri Krishna
27 Radha and Krishna
28 Hanuman
29 The Sacred Syllable OM and
the Hindu Trinity
30 Essence of Ramayana
31 Essence of Mahabharata
32 Four Goals, Three Debts, and Four
Stages of Hindu Life
33 Hindu Samskaras
34 Hindu Marriage
35 Some Popular Mantras
36 Major Hindu Festivals
37 Hindu Religion and Science--
a Complementary Outlook
38 Contribution of Hindus to World Culture
39 Vedic History in the Proper Perspective
40 Hindu Religion-a Religion of
World Brotherhood



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