TY - BOOK AU - Bhat, M.Ramkrishna TI - Fundamentals of astrology SN - 8120802756 U1 - 133.5 PY - 1988/// CY - Delhi PB - M.B. PUB. N1 - I. General Principles Signs, Hora, Drekkana, Navam^a, DvadaSam^a, Trimsarh^a, Saptaihsa, Da^am^a, Sho^asamSa, §astyamsa, Characteristics of Rasis, How they rise, Their Diurnal etc. nature. Quarters, Castes, Colours, Stature, Kalapurusa's limbs, Ra§i strength, Material and Philosophical Signs. n. Planets* Characteristics Exaltation and Debilitation, Mulatrikoija, Sex, Castes, Nature, Qualities, Quarters, Colours, Humours, Seasons, Gems, Metals, Tastes, Grains. Birth places, Ages, Presiding Deities, Rays, Constituents, Elements, Cabinet, Aspects, Friends etc.. Trees, Periods, Relations signified, Identification marks. Places in a house, Forms, General characteristics of all planets. Their points of strength, How they rise. m. Lagna And other Houses How to cast a horoscope, Calculating positions of Gulika and Mandi, preparation of Rasi and Bhava charts. Significations of each of the 12 Houses. IV. Planetary Strength Planetary strength in Bhavas, Study of Navaih§as. Synonyms of Kendras, Bhavas etc. Upacayas, Directional strength. Strength based on Kendra, Panaphara and Apoklima, Their sixfold strength —Temporal, Motional, Exaltation, Directional, Declinational and Positional, Most important strength for each planet. Six or seven Vargas, Comparison of strength of benefics. Their moods Pradipta etc., Decanates distinguished into Weapon, Noose, Fetters, Vulture-faced, Bird, Hog-faced, Serpent and Quadruped, Their effects, Rules applied, Parijata and other Vaisesi- kaihsas, Vargottama, Balapinda, Age of planets. V. Moon's States and Constellations Candrakriya, Candravastha, Candravela, Planet's vulnerable degrees in signs, Visaghatis, Amrtaghatis of stars, Bad lunar days and stars, Gandanta, Pancamarista, Ekanaksatra, Bad effects of presence of Karakas, Dinamrtyu, Dinaroga, Effects of birth in different stars, Ududasa system. Calculation of Dasa and Bhukti. VI. Rectifieation of Birth Time Four different methods explained. Rules for finding out Child's sex. Direction of the lying- in-chamber, Number of women in attendance. Quantity of oil in the lamp. Wick, Nature of lamp. Father's presence at home or abroad. VII. Span of Life Balarista, Yogarista, Short, medium and long life. Yogas for early death and its time. Yogas for long and medium lease of life, Dvatrirhsad- yoga, various methods for calculating time of death. Yogas for infant mortality, illustrative charts, many Yogaristas, Yogas for number less years of life, for becoming a long-lived sage. Vni. Ra§i Effects Effects of birth in the 12 Signs, Effects of planets occupying exaltation, own. friendly, inimical, neutral and debilitation house, and combustion, Effects of Vargottamarhsa, of the Moon or Ascendant in different Navamsas or Dvada- samsas. Explanation of illustrative chart. Moon in different Signs or Dvadasamsas receiving aspects of planets. Sun or Moon in different Navamsas receiving their aspects, Effects based on relative strength of lords of natal sign and Amsa, Effects of planets occupying the 12 Signs. IX. On Bhavas Bhava K.arakas, Effects of benefics in Bhavas, method of reading a Bhava fully, Five kinds of Sambandha, Bhava strength and effects. Effects of planets' presence in the 12 houses. Special effects of Rahu and Ketu, Those of Mandi in them and in association, Upagrahas, Kala etc. and their effects, A bird's eye view of Bhavas, Time of fruition of Bhavas, Con junctions of planets in certain houses, Gajakesari Yoga, Combinations of three or more planets. X. Conception and Birth Cause of menses, Conception, Yogas for male and female births. Twins, Eunuchs, Growth of foetus. Difficult delivery, Cord round child. Couple's illness or death. Pregnant "Woman's death, Birth of freaks, Dumb Child, To have teeth at birth. To be hunch-backed. Lame, Imbecile, Dwarf, To have congenital blindness. Muteness, Father's death. Mother's welfare. Father's presence or otherwise at birth, Illegi timate birth. Father's incarceration, Birth on the seas. Clandestine delivery. Place of birth, Child's abandonment. Moles, Yogas for sub human birth. XL U^udaSas Theory of Karma and re-incarnation. Meaning of Dasa, Their order and duration, Sub-periods, Dasas of afflicted planets, Rajayoga in the period of Yogakaraka, Ascending, Descending, Mid dling and Adhama Dasas, Transit of Dasa-lord, Good and bad DaSas, Effects of planets' Dasas — general and in the several Signs, Effects of Sub-periods of the different major periods. Xn. Yogas Nabhasa Yogas—Diagrammatical, Numerical, Positional and Bilateral, Gada—its effects, ^akata — its effects, Vihaga, Srhgataka, Hala, Vajra, Yava, Kamala, Vapi, Yupa, Sara, Sakti, Danda, Nau, Kuta, Chatra, Capa, Ardhacandra, Samudra, Cakra, Numerical Yogas—Vallaki, Damini, Pasa, Kedara, Sula, Yuga, Golaka, Asrayayogas — Rajju, Musala, Nala, Two Dalayogas — Mala, Sarpa, Candrayogas — Adhama, Madhya, Varistha, Candradhiyoga, Lagnadhiyoga, Sunapha, Anapha, Durudhara, Kemadruma, Vasumat, Amala, Puskala, ^ubhavesi, ^ubhavasi, Subhobhayacari, Papa- vesi etc., Subha and Papa Kartari, Sushubha, Mahabhagyayoga, Gajakesari, Sakata, Subha- mala, Asubhamala, Lakshmi, Gauri, Sarasvati, Sarada, Srinatha, Srikaptha, Virincr, Parivar- tanayogas — Dainya, Khala, Mahayogas, Par- vata, Kahala, Rajayoga, Sahkha, Camara, Dhenu, Saurya, Jaladhi, Chatra, Astra, Kama, Asura, Bhagya, Khyati, Suparijata, Musala, Avayoga, Nisva, Mriti, Kuhu, Pamara, Harsa, Dushkriti, Sarala, Nirbhagya, Duryoga, Daridra, Vimala, Another Duryoga, Bhaskara, Indra, Vayu, Budha, Mahapurusayogas — Rucaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, Malavya, Sasa, Matsya, Kurma, Khadga, Kusuma, Kalanidhi, Ariisavatara, Harl-Hara-Brahmayoga. Xni. Rajayogas Rajayoga defined, 54 kinds of Rajayogas, explained, Nicabhahga — Cancellation of Depression — 8 varieties explained. XIV. Issue Purpose of marriage, Signs termed Alpasuta, Conditions for birth of good children, Yogas for male and female births. Yogas for loss of child ren, Family extinction. Adoption, Methods for finding out number of children. Time of child birth— many Yogas given, Relationship bet ween conception and birth, Illustrative hor oscopes given. Methods for arriving at Nisheka- time from birth-data, Many illustrations cited. Conditions for father's death before child's birth, Methods for finding out chances of progeny. Illustrative charts, causes of childlessness. XV. Matrimony Meaning of marriage. Yogas for undesirable effects in respect of conjugal life, Yogas for good results, Number of wives. Time of mar riage, Bride's natal Sign, place of birth etc., Da5a favourable for marriage. Compatibility of horoscopes, Kuja Dosa, Time of wife's death, Chidra planets. XVI. Female Horoscopy Special features of female charts, Nature of husband, widowhood, Yogas for woman's bad character, for chastity and auspiciousness, TrimsamSa effects. Barrenness, Death, Lust, Time of her death, Husband's longevity etc. XVn. Disease Diseases are debts of Nature, Effects of Pra- rabdha, Planets cause diseases, Blindness, Eye-disease, Dumbness, Foul smell in the mouth, Navel disease, Tumours, Small Pox, Enlargement of spleen, Lunacy, Epilepsy, Diabe tes, Venereal diseases. Stomach-diseases, Heart- diseases, Leprosy, Poison through snake-bite, Throat-complaints, Ear-ailments, Fever, Dysen tery, Diarrhoea, Piles, Diseases of teeth. Urinary ailments. Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diseases of testicles. Wounds, Illness at different ages. Feminine diseases, excessive menstrual flow. XVIII. Description of Decanates Functions of seven Vargas, DilTerent views on ownership of decanates, Satyacarya's view. Names, forms etc. of decanates, Saumya, Qua druped, feminine, masculine ones. Their useful ness, Saravali views. Development of limbs, Viyoni-janma and decanates. Effect of Moon's decanate, Khara decanate, disposal of the dead body, refuge of the Soul, reconstructing lost horoscope, travel, thief etc. XIX. Death House of death, Aries and other Signs as the 8th house, causes of death. Yogas for soul's exit under different circumstances. Table showing effects of Khara decanate. Place of death, death with others or with wife etc. Death due to Snake-poison etc.. Yogas for natural and un natural Death, Time of death — year, month etc. Happy end. Period of unconsciousness. Disposal of the dead body, yoga for attaining immortality. XX. Profession Importance of action. Factors to be considered, Yogas for kingship, to be a judge, emperor, blacksmith, weaver, mechanical engineer, barber, soldier, policeman, author of literary works, to be skilled in machinery, tailoring. Druggist, Wrestler, Engineer, Landlord, Earning by self-effort, Cruel Command, doing good or evil deeds, Planets in X house influencing profession, Illustrative charts of Doctor, Airfofce Oflicer, Major in the army. Astrologer, Metallurgist, Scholar, administrator, Great Sage. XXI. Transits Gocara explained, importance of the Moon, Planet's favourable and unfavourable places in transit. Most potent period of transit, Vedha in tabular form. Detailed effects of transits of all planets, Naksatra Gocara, Saptasalaka Cakra — method of reading it, Gocara-effects based on limbs, Latta forward and backward, Effects of Latta. XXII. Astakavarga Benefic and malefic dots of planets. Method of fixing benefic dots, Astakavargas of seven planets, Samudayastakavarga, Owners of 8 divisions of Signs explained with illustrations, Prastara-Astakavarga, Sarvastakavarga, Its utility in respect of transits and prospects of Bhavas, Trikona and Ekadhipatya rectifications, Rasi and Graha multipliers, Ayus contributed by planets. Methods for finding out critical periods, issue, wife fortunate periods and Rajayogas ER -