Alper, Harvey P

Understanding mantras/ Harvey P Alper - Delhi: MBP, 1991. - 540 p.

1 Mantra kaviiastd: Speech as Performative in the Rgveda
Ellison Banks Findly
2 Vedic Mantras
Frits Staal
3 The Mantra in Vedic and Tantric Ritual
Wade T. Wheelock
4 Mantra in Ayurveda: A Study of the Use of
Magico-Religious Speech in Ancient Indian Medicine
Kenneth G. Zysk
5 Are Mantras Speech Acts? The Mimamsa Point of View
John Taber
6 The Meaning and Power of Mantras
in Bhartrhari's Vdkyapadiya
Harold Coward
7 Mantras in the Sivapurdna
Ludo Rocher
8 The Use of Mantra in Yogic Meditation:
The Testimony of the Pdsupata
Gerhard Oberhammer
9 The Pahcaratra Attitude to Mantra
Sanjukta Gupta
10 The Cosmos as Siva's Language-Game:
"Mantra" According to K$emaraja's Sivasutravimarsini
Harvey P. Alper



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