Hixon, Lex Sinha Jadunath & Sena Rāmaprasāda

Mother of the universe:/ Visions of the goddess and tantric hymns of enlightenment Lex Hixon Jadunath Sinha & Rāmaprasāda Sena - Delhi: New Age Books, 2004. - 223 p.

The Nature of Mother Wisdom
Tantric Hymns of Enlightenment
Please be gracious to the singer of this song!
Satisfy every level of our hunger!
Entrust your breath and being to the Mother!
T'his poet can only cry in ecstasy
Though my mind wanders everywhere, I am not to blame
The total madness of her love
Every conflict in my life has been resolved
I move only as you move through me
My blissful Mother exists fully through every creature!
There is nothing left but you
The agony of death will vanish instantly
Even the deepest darkness of this world is simply her light!
I am a child reaching out to catch the moon
Lost in her paradox, perplexed by her play
Sing ceaselessly the name of Kali
Unveil the self-radiant diamond of your essence
Beat the great drum of fearlessness
This poet longs to love, not to disappear
Why do you continue to test my soul?
You will discover a new gem every moment
Wherever I go there is only Kali
Please bring my poems with you
Vast har\'est of illumination for all living beings
Listen to me, Death!
I throw the dust of pure devotion into the eyes of Death
Could a foolish poet grasp her mystery?
Dissolving the demons of egocentricity
Please sever with youM)rilliant sword of wisdom
Simply abide at the primal root of awareness
Pay no heed to narrow-minded persons
I have received the clear order that Death must die
Consecrate your being to pure love
This poet knows truth directly as Mother!
During deep meditation, I no longer encounter I
What gift can I offer you?
Who can comprehend your countless revelations?
Do what you will with me!
The enlightenment of the whole being
White ants of selfish desire
--W^Temain in deep depression?
Turn around and rectify your basic error
Why disappear into formless trance?
I am always within light
Who can keep a blazing fire tied in a cotton cloth?
I refuse to sing your praises any longer!
I reside in the mystical court of the Black Queen
Sail with me! Sail with me!
The diamond essence of awareness
Gaze into your own original face!
You have forgotten your essence
My entire being shining with your name
Its value beyond assessment by the mind
Now please bring your small child home
I have a serious grievance to settle
She is ever elusive, ever free
I have embraced you at last. Supreme Lady!
O poet who constandy forgets
Now only the Goddess remains
Everyone is babbling about what happens after death
Do you not feel foolish adorning clay statues?
I cannot live another moment
Shiva is lost! Lost in Mother!
My heart awakens to your truth
The substance of every suffering will vanish
A country fair for those mad with love
I ponder my dilemma ceaselessly
Only you
My Divine Mother plays the role of a poor village woman
All rituals of religion have fallen away
How courageous I must he!
What can you do hut cry aloud Ma, Ma, Ma and he free?
Why is Mother Kali so radiantly black?
My Kali flies millions of mind kites
I have turned away from Mother's shadow play
Watch Kali swing! Let her swing!
Cremation grounds are your great delight
How well I know that fool's sorry fate!
See' all in her and her as all
Her nature as pure reality can never he described!
I would not even care to he an emperor
What is the meaning of your nakedness?
Encircle the wild elephant of mundane mind
Your life is the life of the entire universe
Will you ever heed my mad longing?
O small self, you are a sparkling fish
What do they care for the opinion of the world?
No limited vessel can cross a shoreless sea ^
Can the thorny scrub tree hear sweet fruit? ' n
Kali's wisdom thunder rumbles
Those who long for conscious union with reality
Kali's sword and Krishna's flute are one
Now put down your terrible sword
You have not yet encountered the brilliant Magician
O blissful Mother, you alone remain
You will never comprehend my Mother
Are you a Goddess made of stone?
How can you hope to grasp her dancing feet?
I know and I know that I know
August Kali is the destroyer of every limit
O foolish mind, time is running away
0 meditator, become the Goddess
This is no ordinary wine I am drinking
Who cares for traveling?
Can anyone tell me why tears stream from these eyes?
Who is this Supreme Lady, victorious in battle?
Please cherish no hope for this poet
Radiant Uma is no ordinary girl
My darling, my beloved one, you have come!
Speak wisdom to us, sweet Uma
Blessed baby Uma is weeping constantly
How sweetly baby Uma repeats Ma, Ma, Ma
Please meditate on Goddess Kali s beauty ceaselessly
My" precious human birth has been wasted utterly
Abandon whatever limits you cling to
Give up your hopeless dispute with Kali
None will survive the fury of her illumination
Stop! Stop! Cease and be still!
Conquer Death with the drumbeat Ma! Ma! Ma!
She is the infinite dream power of reality
She is truth! She is awareness!
This is the only longing of my soul
Do I dare disclose her secret?
1 am gone, gone, forever gone
Awake, arise, and never rest
The play of my soul is over
May I now become dust beneath my Holy Mother s feet!
Contemporary Visions of the Goddess
Some Reflections on Ramprasad by Shuma Chakravarty
Dancing with Mother Kali by Cassia Herman


Kālī -- (Hindu deity) -- Poetry.
Kālī -- (Hindu deity)

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