The debate of king malinda: an abridgement of the Milinda Panha/ edited by Bhikkhu Pesala. - 2nd ed. - Delhi: Bikkhu Persala, 2009. - 114p. - Buddhist tradition series. .

The Debate op King Milinda
The Great Chapter
A Question of Concepts.
The Long Journey
Continuity of Dhamma..
Sustained Application
Beginning the Journey....
Separation of Phenomena.,
The BuddhA
Did the Buddha Exist?.
Attachment to the Body
Mentality is Hard to Discern
The Resolution of Paradoxes
Preliminary Discussion...,
1. On Honours Paid to the Buddha.
2. The Omniscience of the Buddha..
3. Devadatta's Ordination.
4. Causes of Earthquakes.,
5. Asseveration of Truth...
6. The Paradox of Conception....
7. The Duration of the Religion.
8. Purity of the Buddha.
9. Perfection of the Buddha..
10. Equanimity of the Buddha...,

The Schism Chapter
11. The Minor and Lesser Precepts.
12. The Esoteric Teaching...
13. The Fear of Death
14.. Protection from Death..
15. The Power of Mara
16. Knowledge of Wrong Doing
17. The Buddha Is Not Possessive...
18. The Unity of the Order.

The Dismissal Chapter
19. Dhamma is Best.
20. The Compassion of the Buddha...
21. The Modesty of the Buddha..
22. The Buddha's Perfect Speech.
23. The Talking Tree.
24. The Last Meal.
25. Adoration of Relics.
26. The Buddha's Foot is Injured.
27. The True Recluse..
28/ The Boasting of the Buddha...
29. Who Deserves Punishment?...,
30. Dismissal of the Order.

The Omniscience Chapter
31. The Murder of Moggallana,
32. Secrecy of the Vinaya,
33. Intentional Lying
34. Investigations of the Bodhisatta...
35. On Suicide..,
36. Protection by Loving-kindness.
37. Why Did Devadatta Prosper?...
38. The Weakness of Women.
39. Venerable Ananda's Courage...
40. The Buddha's Change of Heart....

The Dwelling Place Chapter
41. On Dwelling Places.,
42. Restraint of the Stomach
43. The Best of Men.
44. The Ancient Path...
45. The Bodhisatta's Weakness
46. Respect for the Robe.
47. The Merit of the Potter.
48. King or Brahman?..
49. Right Livelihood.
50. The Reluctance of the Buddha...
51. The Buddha's Teachers.

Questions SotvED by Inference
1. Two Buddhas Cannot Exist Together..
2. Gifts to the Order.
3. The Advantages of a Recluse's Life
4. The Practice of Austerities.
5. Reverting to Laylife.
6. The Mastery of the Arahants..
7. Heinous Crimes..
8. The Unvirtuous..
9. Is Water Alive?..,

The Impediments Chapter
10. Be Without Impediments....
11. The Lay Arahant.
12. The Offences of Arahants...
13. What is Not Found in the World.
14. The Uncaused.
15. Modes of Production..
16. Demons.
17. Laying Down of Rules for Monks.
18. The Heat of the Sun..
19. The Winter Sun

The Vessantara Chapter
20. The Gift of Vessantara..
21. Austerities
22. The Power of Evil.
23. Sharing of Merit....
24. Dreams..
25. Premature Death.
26. Miracles at Shrines of Arahants..
27. Can Everyone Understand the Dhamma?.
28. The Bliss of Nibbana..
29. Description of Nibbana.
30. The Realisation of Nibbana.
31. Where is Nibbana?.

The Inferenge Chapter
32. A Question Solved by Inference...
33. The Ascetic Practices...

The Similes
1. The Donkey....
2. The Cockerel..
4. The Female Panther..
7. The Bamboo
10. The Monkey.
12. The Lotus.
20. The Ocean
21. The Earth.
22. Water.
27. The Moon
30. The Universal Monarch..
35. The Mongoose,
40. The Elephant...
46. The Indian Crane...
47. The Bat..
48. The Leech..
50. The Rock Snake.
60. The Carpenter.
61. The Waterpot..


Milindapaha -- Abridgments.
Buddhist literature.
Buddhism -- Sacred books.

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