Klein, Michael W.

Exchange rate regimes in the modern era/ Michael W. Klein and Jay C. Shambaugh - London: The MIT Press, 2010. - 253p.

I. Introduction 1
1 Exchange Rate Regimes in the Modem Era 3

II. The Nature of Exchange Rate Regimes 11
2 Exchange Rate Regimes in Theory and Practice 13
3 Exchange Rate Regime Classifications 29
4 The Dynamics of Exchange Rate Regimes 51
5 The Empirics of Exchange Rate Regime Choice 73

III. Exchange Rate Consequences of Exchange Rate Regimes 99
6 Exchange Rate Regimes and Bilateral Exchange Rates 101
7 Exchange Rate Regimes and Multilateral Exchange Rates 117

IV. Economic Consequences of Exchange Rate Regimes . 131
8 Exchange Rate Regimes and Monetary Autonomy 133
9 Exchange Rate Regimes and International Trade 147
10 Exchange Rate Regimes and Inflation 165
11 Exchange Rate Regimes and Economic Growth 185

V. Conclusion 203
12 Exchange Rate Regimes in an Interdependent World 205


Foreign exchange rates
Foreign exchange

332.45 / KLE/E