C.Wright Mills/ edited by Stanley Aronowitz - London: Sage, 2004. - xxxi, 360p.

Volume One

1.Possibilities for Politics - Irving Howe
2.Labor's Leaders - Aaron Levenstein
3.Important Study of Union Leaders - Joseph Shister
4.Are the Blind Leading the Blind? - A A Berle Jr
5.Grooming for Power - R H S Crossman
6.The Power Elite - Michael Harrington
7. Do Rich Folks, Bosses and War Lords Run America? - Stuart Chase
8. American Trends - Marcus Cunliffe
9. Power in the United States - Robert S Lynd
10. The Power Elite - Bernard Rosenberg & E V Walter Two Views
11. Review of The Power Elite by C Wright Mills - Harry L Gracey & C Arnold Anderson
12. The Power Elite Reconsidered - Daniel Bell
13. American Sociology in Transition - Edwin Berry Burgum
14. Rethinking World Politics - George Lichtheim A Critique of Some Recent Contributions
15. Two Views of Mass Society - William Kornhauser
16. The Distribution of Power in American Society - Talcott Parsons
17. C Wright Mills' Idea of the Good Society - Norbert Wiley
18. The Dragons of Marxism - Irving L Horowitz
19. The Socio-Political Orientations of C Wright Mills - William Spinrad An Evaluation
20. The Fourth Epoch Epilogue to the Unfinished Social Philosophy of C Wright Mills - Donald Clark Hodges
21. Radicalism versus Liberalism - J L Simich and Rick Tilman C Wright Mills' Critique of John Dewey's Ideas
22. C Wright Mills' Power Elite - Irving Louis Horowitz A Twenty-Five-Year Retrospective
23. The 'Plain Marxism' of C Wright Mills - Donald McQuarie
24. Toward a New Democratic Political Theory - Frederick Swan Contributions by C Wright Mills
25. A Problem for the Sociology of Knowledge - Joseph A Scimecca Similarities in the Thought of Antonio Gramsci and C Wright Mills
26. Reclaiming C Wright Mills - John Alt
27. Theory and Ethics in International Relations - Fred Halliday The Contradictions of C Wright Mills
28. A Letter from History - Robert Udick C Wright Mills and Francis Fukuyama
29. The Cultural Apparatus - Kim Sawchuk C Wright Mills' Unfinished Work

Volume Two

30. C. Wright Mills - Ralph Miliband
31. A Typology of Intellectuals - Christopher Lasch The Example of C Wright Mills
32. Whole Life Social Theory - Charles Lemert
33. Conscience, Reason and Imagination - Christopher Lasch C Wright Mills and the Life of the Mind
34. C Wright Mills, Pessimistic Radical - Barbara H Chasin
35. Hans H Gerth and C Wright Mills - Nobuko Gerth Partnership and Partisanship
36. C Wright Mills Meets Prozac - Margot L Lyon The Relevance of 'Social Emotion' to the Sociology of Health and Illness
37. The Influence of C Wright Mills on Students for a Democratic Society - Robert J S Ross interviewed by A Javier Trevino An Interview with Bob Ross
38. Ethics in the Academy - Norman K Denzin
39. Review of Collaboration, Reputation and Ethics in American Academic Life - Christian Fleck
40. Hans H Gerth, C Wright Mills and the Legacy of Max Weber - Donald A Nielsen
41. Symbiosis or Parasitism - Jennifer Platt Ethics and Practice in the Social System of Sociology
42. An American Aboriginal - Andy Merrifeld A Review of C Wright Mills: Letters and Autobiographical Writings
43. C Wright Mills Recalled - Dennis H Wrong

44. Review of From Max Weber; Essays in Sociology - Charles E Merriam
45. Rise and Decline of a Class - D W Brogan
46. The Middle Class in U S Society - Gordon Haskell
47. The New Middle Class - Irving Howe
48. Abstractio Ad Absurdum - Dwight Macdonald
49. Our Troubled Middle Classes - Dennis H Wrong
50. Socialism and Sociology - Phillip Rieff
51. Revolt in the Social Sciences - Harry Alpert
52. Sociology without Clothes - Arthur K Davis
53. A Symposium on C Wright Mills' The Sociological Imagination - Louis Feuer and Philip Selznick
54. Post-Modern Sociology - Sidney M Peck
55. Of History and Sociology - Wilson C Record
56. Mills and Weber - G B Sharp Formalism and the Analysis of Social Structure
57. Imaginary Sociology - Edward Shils
58. C Wright Mills, 1916-1962 - Hans H Gerth
59. Review of Images of Man - D C Hodges
60. C Wright Mills - Irving L Horowitz The Scientific Imagination of a Moral Man
61. The Intellectual Career of C Wright Mills - Richard A Peterson A Case of The Sociological Imagination
62. C Wright Mills - Fred Blum Social Conscience and Social Values
63. Thorstein Veblen and C Wright Mills - Douglas Fitzgerald Dowd Social Science and Social Criticism
64. The Evolution of C Wright Mills from Social Behaviorism to Left Wing Collectivism - Don Martindale
65. The Scientific Relevance of C Wright Mills - Anatol Rapoport
66. 'Power Elite' or 'Veto Groups'? - William Kornhauser
67. The Sociology of C Wright Mills - Eugene V Schneider

Volume Three

68. Reassessments of Sociological History - Ivan Light C Wright Mills and the Power Elite
69. C Wright Mills and the Politics of Truth - Richard Gillam The Power Elite Revisited
70. Richard Hofstadter, C Wright Mills and 'the Critical Ideal' - Richard Gillam
71. C Wright Mills' Professional Contribution to Sociology - David L Petty
72. C Wright Mills - E P Thompson The Responsible Craftsman
73. White Collar from Start to Finish - Richard Gillam C Wright Mills in Transition
74. Mills and Hawley on Power - James R Hudson
75. Review of C Wright Mills - Don Martindale An American Utopian
76. C Wright Mills, The Sociological Imagination - Rick Tilman A Reappraisal
77. The Development of Social Thought in the United States and Germany - Hans H Gerth Critical Observations on the Occasion of the Publication of C Wright Mills' White Collar
78. The Hispanic Writings of C Wright Mills - A Javier Trevino A Study in Social Psychology
79. A Remarkable Sociological Imagination - Tony Edwards
80. Professional Sociology - Howard S Becker The Case of C Wright Mills

81. New Worlds - D W Brogan
82. Accusers and Pardoners - R V Cassill
83. C Wright Mills' Program - A J Muste & Irving Howe Two Views
84. World without War - Charles Wisley
85. The Uses of Sociology - Lewis Coser
86. Sociology - E Gellner The New Hope
87. The Irresponsibility of American Social Scientists - Arnold S Kaufman
88. 'Listen Yankee!' - Daniel M Friedenberg A Review
89. Banana Peels - Gerald W Johnson
90.Change and Controversy in Recent American Sociology - Seymour Martin Lipset and Neil Smelser
91. Marxism According to C Wright Mills - Irving Louis Horowitz
92. Gerth, Mills and Shils - Guy Oakes & Arthur J Vidich The Origins of From Max Weber
93. Intellectual Partnerships and Grudges - James W Russell Gerth's Relationship with C Wright Mills


Mills, Charles Wright -- (1916-1962) -- krytyka i interpretacja.
Nauki społeczne -- filozofia.

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