Structural econometrics: Essays in methodology and applications/ edited by Bhaskar Dutta - New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. - 313p.

1. Introduction, ANTARA DUTTA;
2. Estimation of Fuel of Coefficients of Cement Production: A Fixed-Effects Approach to Nonlinear Regression, SANGHAMITRA DAS;
3. A Semiparametric Structural Analysis of the Idleness of Cement Kilns, SANGHAMITRA DAS;
4. Micro Econometric Model of Capital Utilization and Retirement: The case of the U.S. Cement Industry, SANGHAMITRA DAS;
5. Size, Age, and Firm Growth in an Infant Industry: The Computer Hardware Industry of India, SANGHAMITRA DAS;
6. Duration of Firms in an Infant Industry: The Case of the Indian Computer Hardware, SANGHAMITRA DAS AND KRISHNA SRINIVASAN,
7. Foreign versus Domestic Technology, Private versus Public Ownership, and Product Quality: The Case of the Indian Microcomputer Industry, SANGHAMITRA DAS;
8. Projection Pursuit Regression and Disaggregate Productivity Effects: The Case of the Indian Blast Furnaces, SANGHAMITRA DAS AND RAMPRASAD SENGUPTA;
9. Walk or Wait? An Empirical Analysis of Street Crossing Decisions, SANGHAMITRA DAS, CHARLES MANSKI, AND MARK MANUSZAK;
10. The Decision to Export in Columbia: An Empirical Model of Entry with Sunk Costs, MARK ROBERTS AND JAMES TYBOUT;
11. Market Entry Costs, Producer Heterogeneity and Export Dynamics; SANGHAMITRA DAS, MARK ROBERT, AND JAMES TYBOUT;
12. Random Utility Models with Bounded Ambiguity; CHARLES MANSKI;
13. On Testing Conditional Moment Restrictions, MIGUEL A. DELGADO;
Contributor's Note.


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