Health communication/ edited by Gary L. Kreps - Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2010. - 428p.

Volume I: Health Communication
in the Delivery of Health Care
Introduction: Health Communication in the Delivery of Health Care xxix
Gary L. Kreps
1. Doctor-Patient Communication 1
Barbara M. Korsch and Vida Francis Negrete
2. Information-Giving in Medical Consultations: The Influence
of Patients' Communicative Styles and Personal Characteristics 15
Richard L Street Jr
3. The Influences of Htunan Communication on Health Outcomes 31
Gary L Kreps, Dan O'Hair and Marsha Glowers
4. The Field of Health Commimication Today 41
Everett M. Rogers
5. Bridging the Gap: The Separate Worlds of Evidence-Based
Medicine and Patient-Centered Medicine 49
Jozien Sensing
6. The Evolution and Advancement of Health Communication Inquiry 61
Gary L. Kreps
7. Cancer Communications Research and Health Outcomes:
Review and Challenge 85
Gary L Kreps and Daria Chapelsky Massimilla
8. The Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS): Utility and
Flexibility for Analysis of Medical Interactions 109
Debra Roter and Susan Larson
9. Interacting with Cancer Patients: The Significance of Physicians'
Communication Behavior 127
Neeraj K. Arora
10. Health Literacy: Essential for Health Communication 153
Ruth M. Parker and Julie A Gazmararian
11. The Impact of Communication on Cancer Risk, Incidence,
Morbidity, Mortality, and Quality of Life 157
Gary L. Kreps
12. The Relation between Health-Orientation, Provider-Patient
Commimication, and Satisfaction: An Individual-Difference Approach 167
Mohan J. Dutta-Bergman
13. Approaching Difficult Commimication Tasks in Oncology 179
Anthony L. Back, Robert M. Arnold, Walter F. Bade, James A Tulsky
and Kelly Fryer-Edwards
14. Factors Associated with Patients' Perceptions of Health Care
Providers' Communication Behavior 201
Lila J. Finney Rutten, Erik Augustson and Kay Wanke
15. College Students' Sexual Health: Investigating the Role
of Peer Communicadon 215
Christine E. Rittenour and Melanie Booth-Butterfield
16. A Patient-Centered Approach to Breaking Bad News:
Communication Guidelines for Health Care Providers 225
Lisa Sparks, Melinda M. Villagran, Jessica Parker-Raley and
Cory B. Cunningham
17. The Effects of Communication Skills Training on Pediatricians'
and Parents' Communication during "Sick Child" Visits 245
Nancy Grant Harrington, Gretchen R. Norling, Florence M. Witte,
Judith Taylor and James E. Andrews
18 The Interdisciplinary Study of Health Communication and Its
Relationship to Communication Science 263
Gary L. Kreps, Jim L Query, Jr and Ellen W. Bonaguro
19. Health Care Partnership Model of Doctor-Patient Communication
in Cancer Prevention and Care among the Aged 279
Eva Kahana and Boaz Kahana
20. Health Behaviors in Cancer Survivors
Deborah K. Mayer, Norma C. Terrin, Usha Menon, Gary L. Kreps,
Kathy McCance, Susan K. Parsons and Kathleen H. Mooney
21 Cancer Patients as Active Participants in Their Care
Edward Krupat and Julie T. Irish
22. A Multiple Discourse Approach to Health Communication:
Translational Research and Ethical Practice
Roxanne Parrott
23. Strategic Health Communication across the Continuum ot
Breast Cancer Care in Limited-Resource Countries
Gary L. Kreps and Rama Sivaram
24. Ending the End-of-Life Communication Impasse: A Dialogic
Intervention . „ „ , j
John W. Lannamann, Linda M. Harris, Alexis D. Bakos and
25. T^eOTetica" Contributions of Interpretive and Critical Research
in Health Communication
Heather M. Zoller and Kimberly N. Kline


Health Communication

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